Regulus Black x Reader

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The room of requirements was being occupied by five Slytherin students. Alexandra, the Slytherin Pureblood bad girl. Damian, the Ravenclaw Pureblood heart throb that's a closeted gay. Amara the only Slytherin muggleborn that proved to be badass. And You the Pureblood Slytherin that makes herself known for being the enemy of Sirius Black. Even though he was a year older than you, that didn't stop you from pulling pranks and talking back to him. 

At the moment, Damian was laying front first across the couch with his arm holding his head up. Alexandra was sitting on a beanbag in front of the fireplace with a bottle of fire whiskey in her hand. Amara was sitting on Alexandra's lap with her head resting on Alexandra's shoulder, occasionally applying light kisses to the other girls neck. And you, were sitting on the other beanbag beside them, wanting what they had, but no one but Damian knows you want something like that because he is like the brother you have never had but always wanted and needed. But right now, you four were in the middle of a game of a truth or dare game. 

"Alex, truth or dare?" Damian asked, looking over at the brunette in the corner. 

"I don't think I've done truth yet so truth." Alexandra says as Amara stops kissing along her neck. 

"If someone paid you £319 to wear your bra outside your shirt, would you do it?" Damian questioned, with a type of teasing smile on his face. 

"Oh yeah, definitely. I would need the money to buy Mar everything in Honeydukes." Alexandra answered, both her and Amara blushing slightly. 

"Okay...Y/n, truth or dare?" Alexandra asks after a few seconds, wanting to continue the game. 

"Oh um truth." You answered immediately, making your friends roll their eyes in your direction. 

"No No, You have only done truth tonight y/n, you are doing a dare!" Damian exclaimed, you decided to give in because honestly you were starting to get a little tired. 

"Fine Fine, Dare." You sighed but instantly knew you might regret this by the smirk that made its way onto Alexandra's face. 

"I dare you to make Regulus Black fall in love with you." You felt a small pit in your stomach at her dare because you didn't like doing stuff like this but for some reason you decided to do it anyways. 


"Great!" Alexandra exclaimed before taking another swig of fire whiskey and then snogging Amara, who was still sitting on her lap. 

"That's disgusting." You whisper to Damian in a kind of mock disgusted voice, but he just shrugs with a small smile and leads the both of you out the door or the room of requirements. 

"Do you think you're actually gonna do it?" Damian asked you as the two of you were walking down the magic stairs to get to the dungeons. You shrugged with a small sigh and a slight nod in response. If you were to be honest, you don't exactly know if you could go through with it. 


The next morning the sunlight streamed into your window, waking you up from your very light slumber. You got up with an annoyed type of groan, then slowly and cautiously you made your way out of your bed to get changed into your uniform for school today in the bathroom, after wiping the tear stains off your cheeks of course. You didn't get much sleep last night because you always have nightmares, but since one of your very annoying roommates complained about the noises you made at night and not one of your other roommates wanted to help you out, you were basically forced to put silencing charms on your spot in the room. The nightmares were usually about Fenrir Greyback killing the rest of your family and friends, but sometimes the dream was that you were bitten by the werewolf and were forced to kill the people you care about the most.  . 

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