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It was a beautiful Thursday night at Hogwarts and prefect Draco Malfoy was patrolling the halls for any suspicious behavior that hardly ever happened. Sometimes he would find the Weasley twins pulling a prank on Filch but Draco didn't say anything to them and just walked away with a small smile on his face. 

You see, Draco Malfoy isn't the selfish Slytherin prick that really cares about blood purity and Has never done any work in his life like most think. Actually he doesn't care about blood purity at all just like his mother, but if his father found out, well let's just say he probably wouldn't be here right now. 

Also he has done a lot of work but nobody knows about that because no one really knows him well enough to see that he does. I mean except for Pansy and Blaise who are his best friends but you get the point. 

Last school year the battle at Hogwarts happened and the students didn't get all of their promised education. The students that still had a few years left of Hogwarts or maybe just one year left like his friend Luna Lovegood just got to come back with maybe just some extra homework, but the seventh years had to come back for an eighth year that shouldn't even exist and for some reason McGonagall thought that it would be best for Draco to still be a prefect. It was strange, yes, but Draco didn't question it. Even he knew better than to do that. 

Draco kept his head down towards the ground while he walked, counting how many steps it takes for him to walk around Hogwarts' halls. As he's walking down a third floor corridor he is so stuck in his mind that he almost doesn't hear the sobs coming from an empty classroom. Almost. 

He stops walking. Draco looks from the door to the hallway in front of him, multiple times, debating on what to do. Eventually he walks towards the door and slowly opens it revealing a very dark room. Draco's mind is telling him to leave the person in here but there is this feeling in his chest that is telling him to stay. 

"Hello?" Draco asked in a calm tone not wanting to scare the person. 

"Go away" the person said clearly not wanting to talk. Draco starts to turn around but something stopped him. That voice I've heard it somewhere, he thought. Then it hits him.


"Go a-away M-malfoy" Harry's voice sounded broken and Draco felt his heart break in his chest. 

Instead of listening to Harry and leaving, Draco went and sat up against the wall right next to Harry. Awkward silence followed that action. The only noise was Harry's heavy breathing from trying not to cry.

Draco hated seeing the boy he loves cry but right now it's what is best for him and soon enough Draco gets tired of seeing Harry trying to hold back his feelings just because he is here. 

"Here" Draco says putting his arms around the boy next to him. This action surprised them both and they sat there awkwardly for a few moments. But not long after ,Draco felt Harry lean into his touch. Draco smiled and couldn't contain his blush as Harry buried his head in Draco's neck. 

Truth is, Draco has known his feelings for the boy who lived since fourth year when Harry almost died fighting a dragon in the first task of the Triwizard tournament. But what he didn't know was that Harry Potter has had feelings for Draco since fifth year. 

Harry loved the feeling of Draco's body against his but he 'knows' that Draco is straight and would never love him.

Harry loves the feeling that Draco gives him, so it takes all of his will power to pull away from Draco. But as he stands up a cold hand grabs his wrist and stops him from going anywhere. 

"Where are you going?" Draco asks, already missing the warm feeling of Harry in his lap. 

"My dormitory" Harry replied casually. A look of sadness flashed across his face as he said that and Harry was thankful for the darkness because Draco couldn't see the feelings that he was showing.  

"Why are you leaving?" Draco asked trying to think of what he had done wrong this time. 

"Because... I'm tired?" It came out more like a question than Harry wanted. Draco thought about this for a moment then spoke.

"I don't hate you, you know" 

"You don't?" 

"Never have" Draco replied letting go of Harry's wrist to let him go. But to his surprise Harry didn't run away, instead he seemed to relax and sat next to Draco. 

A few moments passed as Harry sat there lost in his thoughts and Draco just sat there watching the outline of Harry's body. Draco loved every part of Harry inside and out but he knows that Harry doesn't know it. 

Without thinking, Draco lifted his hand and puts that same cold  hand on Harry's cheek. Harry looks at Draco confused but instantly leans into his touch. 

"Harry?" Draco asks in a quiet whisper. Harry smiles at how much he likes his name being spoken by Draco.

"Yes Draco?" Draco tries not to smile when Harry used his name but completely failed and now has a goofy smile on his face. 

"I uh kinda...erm.." Draco pauses looking for how to tell him. But then one small glimpse at Harry's smile gave him the confidence he needed," I love you" 

"That's good" Harry replied.


"Because I love you too" 


Here you go! My first ever Drarry one shot. I hope you like it! 

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