Remus Lupin x Reader

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(Btw the picture has nothing to do with the one shot) 

It's your third year at Hogwarts and over the years you and Remus have become really close friends. The two of you tell each other literally everything that's going on in your lives. Well, except for the fact that Remus is a werewolf because he doesn't want to scare you, his best and first friend, away. But you know something is off with him, so you went to the library to investigate, you don't know what exactly you are looking for but you hope to find something. I mean there's got to be an explanation and it still kind of hurt that Remus was hiding something from you, but it was even worse that he brushes the subject aside whenever it comes up. It was about seven in the evening at the moment, and you were currently in the back of the library with a big pile of books stacked in front of you, with your nose hidden in a book that keeps referring to Werewolves. 

"W-whatcha Doing Y/n?" your friend Peter Pettigrew asked as he came into the library and sat down across the table from you with a bag of homework and books in his hand. 

"Researching." You replied simply, barely glancing up from your book to look at him.

Peter nodded slightly and got out his books for homework. After awhile you couldn't take it anymore, I mean Peter shared a dorm with Remus and was pretty close to him, along with James and Sirius, so he is bound to know something about Remus's behavior. 

"Hey Peter?" You questioned curiously, finally looking up from the book in front of you. 

"Ye-yeah Y/n?" Peter stops writing down whatever he was writing with his quill and looks up at you. 

"Remus has been acting weird lately...Do you know why?" You ask with curiosity evident in your voice, Peter froze. Of course he knew exactly Remus has been hiding from you but he doesn't know if he should be the one to tell you or not. 

"N-N-no..." Peter stumbles, forcefully looking back down at the parchment on the table in front of him. You narrowed your eyes skeptically in his direction not believing the small gryffindor for even one split second. 

"Where is Remus then at the moment?" You finally decided on asking. 

"O-our Dorm-dormitory." Peter lies, and you knew that he was lying because you just know these things about your friends. 

"What aren't you telling me Peter Pettigrew?" You used his full name knowing full well that when you say it in a certain tone, that Peter would accidentally cave. 

"U-uh....He's actuall-actually i-in the h-hosp-hospital w-wing." Peter finally says, your eyes widen in surprise and Peter instantly knows that you are worried about Remus so he accidentally lets more information about this topic slip as you stood up.  

"B-but every-everything's f-fine Y/n, he goes t-there every-every m-month aft-after the full m-moon." Peter's eyes widen also when he realizes what he let slip out and covered his mouth with his hand. to stop himself from saying anything else.

You freeze when you hear that he goes there every month, but for some reason your gaze lands on the book in front of you, and your eyes seem to get wider when you read the first few sentences about Werewolves and how they turn into a werewolf every month during the full moon. You gave Peter a quick goodbye before rushing out of the library and towards the Hospital wing. When you arrive, you notice a bed in the corner that is being hidden by curtains, so you instantly knew that it was Remus that was being hidden. 

"Remus?" You ask quietly opening the curtain, the boy looked up from his book and when he saw you standing in the doorway, the book fell in his lap without him really noticing. 

"Y-Y-Y/n? What are you d-doing here?" Remus questioned with a look of Shock, Horror, and Confusion showing on his face making you kind of feel guilty for some reason that you couldn't make out. 

"I came to see you." You answered softly not wanting to scare him, as you walked farther in and shut the curtain again behind you. Remus visibly relaxed but the look of shock and confusion still remained on his face. 

"How did you know that I was here?" Remus picked up his book and put it on the bedside table beside him, you inhaled a soft breath and sat down on the bed beside him. 

"Rem...I know you're a Werewolf." You say softly, resting your hand on his leg, you felt Remus tense up slightly. 

"It's okay if you want to leave me." Remus replies, his voice almost in a whisper, you looked at him with confusion. 


"I mean why would you stay? I'm a monster, I hurt people, there's no reason that i should even have friends-" You cut Remus's ramble off by leaning over and pressing your lips to his, in a slow and passionate kiss. 

"What was that for?" Remus asked in a slightly dazed voice as you pulled away. 

"You're not a Monster Rem, you fold your socks, you read for fun, you Remus John Lupin are my best friend." 

"....Y/n L/n," Remus started before giving you a quick kiss and resting his forehead against hers, "will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Of course I will." You grin as you make Remus scoot over slightly so that you could lay down beside him, and you rested your head on his shoulder as the both of you just randomly drifted off with small smiles on your faces. 


I know this one is kind of short but I hope you like it!!!!!

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