Draco Malfoy x reader

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Narrator's POV

It was a quiet Saturday evening and Y/n L/n was reading alone in the library. This wasn't a surprise to anyone at all because she would always either be found in the Ravenclaw common room with her friends or in the library doing homework and just reading new novel.

Y/n was about to turn the page in her book when she saw her lovely blonde boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, enter the library.

Y/n and Draco haven't gone public with their relationship yet. That's the way Draco needed it and she wasn't going to mess up what they have by doing something stupid. Y/n smiled to herself and returned to reading her novel, Howl's moving castle.

As Draco approached her Y/n heard whispering coming from the others in the library.

"What's he doing here?"

"Why is a disgusting death eater approaching Y/n?"

Y/n did her best at ignoring the whispers about Draco because it just wouldn't make sense if out of nowhere a random Ravenclaw starts defending Draco Malfoy. But it was getting harder to keep her annoyance inside as the whispers became louder than they were seconds before.

"I kind of feel bad for him" Y/n heard a girl, probably a first year, say to one of her older friends.

"Why do you feel bad for him? A filthy death eater! If I were him, I would have thrown myself off the astronomy tower" a redhead who was a friend of the younger girl said. At this comment Y/n snapped.

She threw her book on the table loudly, glad that the librarian wasn't here at the moment, and making a few people wince as she stood up, glaring at the redheaded boy.

"Y/n don't" said Draco calmly from right behind. Y/n completely ignored him and stomped over to the redhead as she clutched her wand in the inside pocket of her robes.

"What did you just say?" Y/n asked now only standing a few feet away from the boy. She doesn't usually react to these things but right now Y/n doesn't care. What he said was wrong and he crossed a line.

Draco was worried about y/n, of course he always worries about her, but also for the poor boy who she was glaring daggers at. When she gets angry or infuriated, she starts throwing hexes left and right at anyone who dares get in her way. Which we really don't want right now.

The boy paled under y/n's gaze but didn't back down. Which, thought Draco, wasn't a very good idea but he didn't say anything. Worried about what might happen to him if he did.

"Why do you even care? He's a death eater scum!" The boy said. She wanted to hex this boys head into Oblivion right now and didn't even take a second to think about the consequences, like always.

Y/n was clutching her wand so tight that her knuckles were white. But she never had the chance to get out her wand.

Draco knew that look in Y/n's eyes all too well, it was a look of pure hatred and loathing. He knew where that always got them.

Out of instinct, not caring about the other people whispering and giving him weird looks, Draco wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist and started whispering sweet nothings into her ear until he felt her lean into his touch while she calmed down.

It made Draco happy that he could make her calm down when she was angry. It was one of the things that made them a couple. They relied on each other with their feelings rather than themselves.

"I love you" Y/n told her boyfriend turning to face him. Draco smiled as Y/n grabbed his Slytherin tie and pulled him into a soft loving kiss. Gasps and soft murmering followed that action by the bystanders watching from other places in the room. After a few very magical moments, Y/n pulled away and turned to the redhead again.

"And I hate you" she told him pointing her wand at his neck. "If you ever talk about him like that again, don't think your going to get away with it"

The boy gulped and slowly nodded his head not knowing what to say or if he should say anything. Y/n smiled and grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him away from the library.


Hullo again, I'm just trying a new way to write my one shots. Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!

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