Harry Potter x reader

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(so for some one shots like this one were going to act like our dear Fred didn't die in the war)

Imagine a bedroom where there there are clothes scattered all around the floor with little candy wrappers hiding underneath them. The smell of dirty laundry and an evergreen scent that a mother would put in her child's room. 

Now I need you to imagine that exact same thing but instead of with clothes, with beer bottles and cigarette packages. And instead of evergreen imagine the gut rinching smell of smoke and Sex filling the air. 

That, my dear Gryffindor, is what you wake up to every single day during summer break. But it's your home and  so you can't just leave. You have a single mother who, instead of getting a normal job like you hoped, got a job as a stripper and comes home with a new guy almost every night.

She manages money pretty well though but she only gives you 'her' money to buy bread at the store so you don't starve to death. 

You always hated coming home for the summer but there was nothing you could ever do. You talked to Dumbledore about staying at Hogwarts but he insisted that it was best that you come home. It took him a lot of time trying to convince you until you finally caved and went to the place no normal person would call home. 

So when you got a letter saying you could stay with the Weasley's for the last few days of break you didn't think twice about it and instantly started packing. You were so relieved and happy to be leaving. 

The next morning you were all packed and ready to go but you had a feeling in your chest that made you wait a little longer for something. You waited by the door for about twenty minutes hoping your mother would come down and say good bye to you but she never did and that made you feel stupid for thinking she would ever actually care.

Riding your nimbus two thousand to the Weasley's was a bit hard, considering that you live in a muggle neighborhood but you managed to find a back way through the city without being seen.

Being the Gryffindor quidditch team's new seeker means that you are pretty good on a broom. You see, your going to Hogwarts this year as a seventh year with Ginny and because eighth years were coming back for their full education, changes had to be made on the quidditch team's. So, Harry can't be the team captain or the seeker anymore but thanks to McGonagall he can still play as a chaser which isn't as good but it'll do for now.

When you finally got to the Burrow after a long flight you saw that they were all outside setting the table for dinner or in Fred and George's case pulling a prank on Ron. You smiled to yourself and walked up to the family. It took a moment for them to notice but when they did Ginny was the first one to exclaim your appearance. 

"Y/N! I'm so glad your here!" She yelled embracing you in a hug. Ginny was your best friend and after a long summer of basically being ignored by the one person who should love you it was nice to see her again. It was nice to see all of them again.

Of course by Ginny yelling everyone now knew you were here and Fred and George each gave you a side hug on both sides. 

"Our dear y/n-

"How nice it is-"

"to see-"


Fred and George are basically your role models because you love pranking more than anything really and they are the best you know at it. Being a friend of Ginny and being really good at pranking got you a good look on how Fred and George do things and you three became good friends after that. 

You don't know Charlie and Bill all that well so they just gave you a simple hello before returning to what they were doing. Ron gave you a small hug and said hello to you before going inside.

Percy on the other hand is like an older brother to you. The first time you two hung out you clicked and ever since then you went to Percy with problems about school and sometimes personal problems too. So when you saw him he engulfed you in a huge loving brotherly hug. 

"I missed you too Percy" you told him hesitantly pulling away from the tight hug he gave you.

He laughed but got called by Mrs. Weasley to help her with something at that moment so you two couldn't talk. You wanted to know everything about working at the ministry and his relationship with his roommate Oliver Wood. 

Not long after you showed up, Harry showed up and was hugged instantly by everybody. You just stayed in the background not wanting to intrude on anything because you knew how close Harry was with all of them. 

Dinner that night was outstanding assortments of almost anything you could think of.

You talked with Percy the whole time finding out that him and Oliver are Finally dating. You were so happy for him and you were too busy telling Percy you saw this coming, that you didn't realize the green pair of eyes watching you with an amused and curious stare. 

It's three in the morning and you can't sleep. Your used to hearing things you don't want to hear coming from your mother's room every night. Not snoring and calm talking from other rooms. Your used to the smell of smoke overcoming your lungs every second you breathe. Not the smell of fresh flowers and candles. It's all too perfect. I know it seems strange but you just can't sleep because of how different the Burrow is from your home. 

After awhile, staring straight at the plain ceiling gets pretty boring so you grab your wand off of Ginny's nightstand and head outside. You don't particularly have a place you want to go in mind but your legs seem to have a mind of their own because they are leading you toward a tall tree about four yards from the Burrow. You don't fight it and sat down under the tree when you get there. 

You think about how nice the Weasley's are and how much different their life style is from yours. But you also think about how your life would be miserable without them. Then somehow you start thinking about Harry, with his bright green eyes that light up when he talks about something he loves, the way that when he smiles it lights up the whole room, and how-

Over the noises of the birds and the bugs to hear footsteps coming your way. You try and look for the source of the footsteps bit it's so dark you only see the outline of the person. 

You pulled out your wand and whispered Lumos only to be met with the pair of emerald green eyes that you knew oh so well.

"Harry? What are you doing awake?" 

"I could ask you the same"

"I asked first"  you retorted in a stern tone that somehow usually worked on people. Harry sighed and sat down next to you. 

"Couldn't sleep" he replied. You could tell he was tired by the tone of his voice but you probably sounded like that to at the moment.

"Me either. I guess being treated like a human being is a just different than what I get treated like at home, you know?" You turned to look at him bringing your lit wand to sit in between you two.

You expected him to say something like that he lived the perfect childhood or something but to your surprise he didn't. Instead he sighed again and nodded. 

"I know exactly how you feel" he said facing you and getting lost in your e/c eyes. You grabbed his hand and intertwined it with yours. Harry thought about pulling away for a moment because he likes you a lot and thinks this is too much for him to handle because you will never really like him that way. But he keeps his hand intertwined with yours after glancing over at you blushing and tuck your head away. 

Harry takes his free hand puts it on your red cheeks moving you to look at him again. He hesitantly leans in and pulls you into a slow but gentle kiss. The kiss is magical and you can't help but smile as you pull away. 


Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Here you go! I just want to thank everyone who reads and comments on this story, it really means a lot. Thank you and good night!

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