Draco Malfoy x reader

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The song that was playing got louder, pulling you in and wouldn't let go.

It's funny really that your at a school party. You get invited to them all of the time but you never get the courage to actually go. 

Downing a shot of fire whiskey and ignoring the burning in your throat, you had no choice but to join the crowd of students.

Walking through you noticed that mostly Gryffindor's and Slytherin's were out on the dance floor.  Most Ravwnclaw's were probably in their dorms studying and the Hufflepuff's were talking and playing games with their friends. 

As you jumped and moved with the countless bodies in the crowd, you looked towards the back and saw Blaise Zabini with Draco Malfoy walking with Pansy Parkinson clinging to his side. He was wearing a white shirt with light blue jeans and his hair was a mess but somehow it looked neat.

" No, he cant be here " you hiss to yourself. 

You walked rather quickly towards the doors of the Room of requirements.

It wasn't long until you were walking down a lonely hallway towards the Gryffindor tower. 

When you got to the portrait hole you said the password 'pepperment candies' ( I don't know what it is ) and plopped yourself on one of the couches not realizing the crowd on the floor. 

" Y/N?"

You jumped up when you realized that you aren't the only one in here.

You looked around and saw Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Harry, Neville, and Ron sitting in a circle. 

" Yes Mione?" The bushy haired girl walked up to you and put her hands on your shoulders. 

" Are you alright?" Mione asked sitting down on the couch. You followed in suit not knowing where this was going. 

" Yeah. I'm fine " you said not really sure how your feeling at the moment but you didn't want your best friend to worry. 

" Okay." You could tell she didn't really believe you but she didn't push it and you were grateful that.

Uncomfortable silence was one thing you didn't like but you had nothing to say at the moment. 

" Do you want to join us?" Harry piped up. You looked at him and smiled. 

" Sure. What are you doing?" You asked them very curious as to why they were in a circle. 

" Were waiting for some people. Then we will see what they want to do " Neville said with an expression of excitement showing on his face. That's weird he only has that face when- 

" You mean that Blaise is coming " they nodded. That means Draco and Pansy are coming too. 

You left the party of Gryffindor's and Slytherin's going crazy just to find out that the same thing is going to happen in your common room. That's just great! 

You have had a secret crush on Draco Malfoy since the beginning of this year and because most of your friends and roommates hate him the only ones that know are Zacharias Smith and Lunaa Lovegood. They are very good listeners and help you through things when you need them. 

You just nodded to yourself and found a seat next to Hermione. After about five minutes of silence there was a knock at the door.

Neville was surprisingly the fastest to get to the door. Outrunning Dean and Ron. 

When He opened the door Pansy walked in and went straight towards Hermione, sitting on her lap.

Next in came Blaise and he immediately went to Neville and kissed him. 

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