Luna Lovegood x Reader

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The breeze brushed past, causing the leaves sitting around you to lift off the ground and float away. Your gryffindor robe was lying beside you, as you laid on your back staring up at the surprisingly blue cloudy sky. The clatter of other students wasn't loud around you, not that you could really pay attention to them if you tried anyway because your hand was gently laced with your girlfriend's, who was laying beside you.

The two of you were doing this thing called cloud gazing as you did on your first date with Luna, but your gaze wasn't directed at the clouds, no, it was fixed on staring fondly over at Luna as she pointed out shapes that she saw the clouds making. How did I get so lucky? you ask yourself in confusion, it just didn't make sense to you because she's like this beautiful magical creature, while you're just-you. Or that's how you saw thing's at the moment, if your being honest.

"Y/n?" Luna's voice rings around the small space between the two of you, snapping you out of your slight trance. Pink dusted over your cheeks, but you didn't look away when you realized she was also looking over at you.


"Are you okay?" She asks, her gaze scanning your face only a bit worriedly. You gave her a small, warm smile and nodded as well as you could while laying down on the ground.

"Of course princess, why do you ask?" You question, rubbing small circles on the back of Luna's hand that was laced with yours with your thumb, and twirling a piece of grass with your other hand as you admired the way the sunlight reflected off of Luna's pale skin, and put a rainbow reflection in her eyes.

"You didn't answer my question earlier, and I think I feel a nargle around here..." Luna replies after a few seconds, leaning into the touch of your hand a bit more, and scooting only a small bit closer to you. You smiled at the action, and moved the small amount of space between you, to where your shoulders were touching slightly, causing Luna's cheeks to paint a light shade of pink.

"Sorry love, I'm fine, just a bit lost in my thoughts." You said, your gaze flickering up to the sky again for a moment, before they returned to Luna, your gaze meeting hers.

"It's okay, but what's confusing you? Nargle's only appear in signs of confusion in a person." Luna explains, not as worried as she was at the beginning of the conversation. You flashed her a bright smile, and used the hand that was previously playing with the grass and sat up slightly so that you could gently caress her cheek.

Luna smiled softly her eyes lighting up a bit at the touch, and used her free hand to wrap around your wrist gently in a loving type of way that made your heart swell with some sort of warmth that you had never really felt before, and you almost immediately started blushing lightly.

"I was just wondering how I got so lucky..."

"How so?"

" You're amazing-you're like this beautiful..princess, you're so angelic I can't take my eyes off of you without feeling somesort of regret for doing so afterwards...what I'm trying to say, in my own overthought type of way, is that I love you more than life itself Luna." You finish, feeling sort of relieved after doing so for some reason. You've known you've loved Luna for years, and when you started dating you were too scared to tell her that you loved her so early in your relationship, but now just really felt like the right time, even if it wasn't. Luna blushed and let her mouth fall open slightly, not really knowing what to say for a moment. She was complimented more than she really ever has been by someone in one sentence, and wasn't expecting you to actually fall for her, the way she fell for you.

"I..I love you too Y/n." Luna replies softly, with warmth and love in her voice. You let out a silent breath that you didn't really know you were holding, and let a relieved smile onto your features, and you were about to reply but something caught your eye.

"Hey! That cloud looks like a butterfly thestral...thing." You say, causing Luna to dissolve into a small fit of giggles.


Hiya everyone! This one was requested by Eef and mark are sad bc 3days left of ua on quotev! I hope you like this, and as you can probably tell, it's unedited...sorry....

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! And I hope you are doing well, and staying safe!!!!!!

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