No one Survives a Night in the Maze

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Today I am running with Alby and Minho we are going to retrace Ben's footsteps so we know where the griever that killed him was if he is dead, it is mostly just to make sure he died.

Before we left into the Maze Newt waved us a goodbye and I have him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye love come back safely" He told me, I knew he was worried but so were the rest of us. 

"Goodbye Newt, I'll see you when I get back" 

And with that we ran into the maze it was colder a nice breeze, the wind made a loud whistling sound through the corridors, so it was hard to hear people talk at times. But it was nothing we couldn't handle.

Newts POV

After saying goodbye to the runners I went to the kitchen Fry was making breakfast, a few other gladers were awake, most still sleeping in there hammocks.

"Morning Fry" I said limping over to Frypan with a smile.

"Good Morning Newt. Did you bid the runners farewell already?" He asked smirking at me because he was referring to y/n.

"Yes I did they are going to retrace Bens footsteps today but they shouldn't be out to late today because I think it is going to rain I can feel it in the wind. They just better stay safe out there" I said.

"Yeah don't worry Newt they will be fine and besides you already know if they do run into some trouble it will be Y/N saving Alby and Minho's butts" Fry said the last part with a slight chuckle. 

"Yeah your right" Then I went to go wake the rest of the gladers for breakfast.

Time skip

I was with Tommy, Zart and Chuck. We are supposed to be getting the remaining part of a tree out of the ground, Zart and I were hacking at it with blades but Thomas and Chuck were sitting to the side on a log. Chuck was working on something he was whittling, and Thomas was again asking to many questions. 

"Why did Alby go into the maze?" Thomas asked me.

"To retrace Ben's footsteps"I said then I got tired of Tommy just getting to sit around and not do anything. "LoOk Are YoU GoNnA HeLp" I said in a very sassy tone like Minho would use. I could see Zart he just smiled and rolled his eyes. Thomas just dismissed what I said and kept asing questions.

"But why would they want to go where Ben was just stung" He said.

"Trust us Thomas Alby knows what he's doing" Zart said while swinging his machete at the tree.

Thomas was going to ask another question I kn--I cut him off and started to talk "its like you've heard right every month the box comes up with a new greenie, well someone had to be one of the first, Alby was with the first group of people to ever come here along with Y/N, Gally, Ben and Myself here we were the first ones to come up in the box. once we saw the boys coming up one after the other every month we saw the pattern and learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other. Because in the end that is all we will have, each other"

Then Thomas got up and walked over to me and started actually helping for once. He started hacking at the tree with his blade.

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