Kidnapping Teresa

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Guys, I know I haven't been very regular with my updates and I apologize for that. I have no good, well reasonable excuse.
My mental health hasn't been the best lately, I won'tgo into detail, but it just makes me not in the mood for anything let alone writing.

PS: Oh, and I know a lot of you greenies have been asking if I am going to kill off Newt, well let me just say this. I am not James Dashner.
Maybe I will just Sherlock this thing.

Well, now night has fallen. Our plan is to be set in motion, well, part of our plan. First we need to get Teresa. That Bitch, I hate her after what she did to us. But this part of the plan, well. Not very ethical, we are going to kidnap her. That is if she says she won't help us willingly. I honestly don't care either way. 

Newt is starting to really worry me now too. He hasn't slept well after his nightmare last night. I talked to Tommy about it a little while ago, well he says that Newt as far as we know right now is still going in our save Minho mission.

"Hey Y/N love. Ya ready?" Newt asked me walking into our shared room that we have staying here at Lawrence's base.
"Yeah, ready to go and kidnap a traitor"
Newt chuckled and walked over to me as I looked over at myself in the full length mirror. He hugged me from behind and his chin rested on my shoulder and he smiled and laughed softly and lovingly, sighing in contentment. Newt usually doesn't do stuff like this very often. Must be the flare he's got, it doesn't just make him angry it will mess with all his emotions. Worse then me on my bloody period. Last night, after his nightmare we was a crying and blubbering mess. Then about and hour later, oh my god, he was pretty shucking horny. He tried to get me to have sex with him. I'm not saying I didn't want to I was just scared and second, I wasn't about to do it, on a tiny friggin cot.

"Newt, we don't have time for this. We have to go or Tommy will kill us" I whined as I turned around to embrace Newt.
"Tommy can wait another bloody minute. I want a moment alone with the love of my life"
"Accttuuaallly, he can't wait this whole operation is very time sensitive. And I love you too." I said blushing furiously giving him a short kiss then started for the door. Newt flollowing close behind.
"Thommy and his stupid 'time sensitive buggin mission'" I heard Newt grumble from behind me and I let out a small silent chuckle. "Well it took you shanks long enouph" Gally complained as we walked into the main room where Thomas, Gally, Brenda and Jorge were. "Sorry. We got caught up" I say glancing at Newt with a smirk.
"It's fine y/n, we just got to get going" Thomas said. I nodded then we all got very serious.

After we dis a walkthrough of our plan we grabbed the last bird of gear we would need and we started to walk together as a group to the garage to get a car.

"Ready Hermano?" Jorge asked to no one in particular as he turned the key and the engine of our car roared to life.

"Ready" I said.
"Let's just get it the shuck over with"
"As ready as I'll ever bloody be"

Scattered yes's and sarcastic remarks came from almost everyone as we drove out of the base and towards the walls of the last city.


"Did you regret it? What you did to us." Thomas asked Teresa as Gally and I hid behind one large pillar ready to pounce.

"Sometimes, but then I remember why I did it and what it will do for the future. And if I had the chance, I'd do it again" Teresa answered.
"Good" Thomas replied then nodded to me and Gally. Before Teresa could turn around I hit her in the back of the head to knock her out and Gally caught her so she wouldn't fall to the floor.

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