He's in my head

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Warning: Some Smut, Mild

"Sleep" Brenda said into my ear and I lulled off into my mind, dreams. That's where I saw him. Newt.

I was laying on my back in the middle of a field. I slowly got to my feet and looked around. I was in the middle of the Glade. I was wearing the clothes I used to wear daily in the glade. A pair of black loose shorts that whent mid-thigh and a old worn white T-Shirt. I realized where I was in the glade.I'm In the wheat field. I looked around and saw the large walls all around me, the doors were closed. The walls for some reason, they looked taller then I remember. I made my way out of the field, it didn't take long, it was a small field. I could see the homestead, it was built up back to how i remember it. Back in the maze the griever's destroyed it, along with pretty much everything else but it was all intact. Like it was before all the crazy klunk started happening in the maze. That was over a year ago now. But it still felt like home. I spotted Frypan's old kitchen, it was stocked with food. I smiled at the thought, Frypan probably really missed that old rundown excuse for a kitchen. 
I looked to the other side of the Glade and saw the runners hut, still standing. Not burned to ash and dust. Memories flashed through my mind. Running, in the maze with Minho and Ben. I miss it, life was simple then. 

I jogged over to the old rundown shack. The door slowly swung open with a loud creak. I smiled slightly, I could never forget the sound of that door, it is burned into my memory. Couldn't forget it if I tried. Three years of coming in here every, single, day to write down new discoveries (Which didn't happen much) and map out the routes we ran that day. Thinking about being a runner made me miss my brother, Ben. I didn't even know he was my brother until after he died. 

I turned and walked out of the runners hut shutting the door behind me and started to make my way towards the deadheads.

I saw the makeshift headstones around. George. Nick. Adam. Ben

I looked at all the names


Tears started in my eyes, I had known all these boys. Not all personally but I knew them. I was here from the beginning. I watched all this horrible klunk happen.

I walked over and seated myself besides Ben's headstone. "I'm sorry Ben, I couldn't save everyone." I said to no one. I thought about the people I lost after leaving here. Chuck, Ben loved Chuck they were practically siblings. Ben treated him like his little brother in in return Chuck loved him and always was with him. 

Alby, we lost Alby. Our leader, our friend. Yeah sure he could be kind of a stern and stubborn shuckface sometimes but what leader wasn't. 

We lost Winston to the flare. He always talked about what he was going to do with his life after we got out of the maze. He wanted to find a pretty lady and fall in love and have a family. instead he died young, from the flare. He put a bullet in his own head.

We lost so many people in such a short time. 

I decided I should't sit here any longer or else I would never be able to leave so I stood up and walked out of the deadheads making my way back to the middle of the glade. That is where I saw him. Newt.  He was standing in the middle of the courtyard, his back facing away from me. I could see that he was dressed in what he was in the maze, old worn brown pants and that brown tank top with that wonderful white hoodie that he used to give me to wear all the time. 

The sun was starting to set in the glade. 

I started to walk closer to Newt. "Newt" I called out and he turned around. He looked...healthy. Completely healthy no sign of the flare what so ever. He was also very good looking. 

"Y/N there you are. Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you for twenty minutes" He said with a dorky smile that still made my heart melt. "Why were you looking for me?" I asked him. "Seriously, you forgot. Our game. Hide and seek, and YOU forgot we were even bloody playing" He smirked. Newt and I used to play hide and seek in the glade. Chuck called us childish playing when there was work to be done. But we did it anyway.

"Oh pffff" I scoffed "I guess I just got distracted. sorry" I said with a guilty smile. He skipped over to me. Hmm no limp? He placed his hands on both my hips and leaned in close to me "No harm done love, I'm just glad you're here now" He tilted his head down and tipped it slightly to the left going in for a kiss. I gladly accepted kissing him. 

I felt like I was dancing among the stars. Newts lips moved in sync against mine. I missed this so much. I haven't kissed him like this in a very long time.
I felt his teeth lightly bite my bottom lip begging for entrance in which I granted. Then his tongue slipped into my mouth.

Out tongues danced together as it got more heated. Newt moved even closer to me if that was possible. His body rocked against mine. I leaned into it and rocked him as well. We got into a rhythm, grinding against each other. His hands explored my body moving from my hips down over my lower back and under my ass grabbing it. One hand was on my ass while the other traveled back up to my back to hold me tight against him. I moved my hands to his hair moving roughly threw it.

I pulled from the kiss for some much needed air but that didn't stop Newt. His lips drifted from my mouth down, tracing the outline of my jaw and then slowly moved down to my neck kissing everywhere. With need. Lust.

Still grinding against each other, I kept one hand in Newt's hair while the other moved across his back. Newt's mouth went over my collarbone earning a soft gasp from me. I felt him smirk against my skin as he went back to the spot on my collarbone. I groaned in pleasure throwing my head back. I then ground my hips into Newt's member more rough. I felt Newt moan deeply against my skin pulling me tighter to him.

Newt's lips trailed from my collar bone past my neck and back up to my face where me moved his head away to look me in the eyes "I bloody love you"

"I love you too Newt"

Then there was a very loud crashing noise followed by what sounded like an explosion. Newt quickly moved his body off mine and held my shoulders tight and looked me in the eyes. "You have to leave, there coming!" He said to me with a stern look on his face.

"W-wait what? Who's coming? Whats coming? New----"Y/N There's No Time"

"Newt whats going on?!" 

"Y/N GO! NOW!" he yelled then he was gone. The glade was gone. Everything was just.....black.

I shot up in my bed only to wince from pain in my side. Then it all came back to me like a tidal wave. Minho was taken, I was away from Newt for six months. I was saved and so was Minho but Newt had the flare. Newt died. Jayden Died. Everyong I care about seems to die.

It was only a dream, seeing Newt in the Glade was a damned dream.

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