Great so he is going to Bloody kill us all.

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We've been driving almost all day and we are almost to the Right Arm, and good thing too because I don't know how much longer Brenda has, she is getting worse and worse by the day, and now she has a fever and is burning up, she is barley able to use her arm properly, she looks like she hasn't slept in days, and her breath is getting short and shallow. I can tell how worried Jorge is about her, I mean how could he not worry she is the closest person in the world to him. I really hope the right arm can help her.

"Hey love, you alright?" Newt asked brushing some of my hair out of my face, he interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah I'm alright" I told him and he nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We are now driving through parts of the mountains.

"Hey y/ last night was pretty scary right are you okay?" Aris asked from the backseat. 

"What! what happened last night?!" Jorge asked.

"Oh there were cranks walking around right next to the car, if we were any louder we could have been attacked by them shucking things" Minho blurted.

"Oh You Damm Kids You don't tell me anything, that just might Kill Someone one day. Or get you kids caught. Alright so do you understand what I am trying to say to you? No more secrets!" Jorge said and waited for an answer.

"We understand Jorge..sorry" Tommy said to him. Then Jorge stopped the car?

"Alright now, the road as you can see is pretty crowded and crammed with broken old cars, we will have to go on foot from here" Jorge said and we all filed out of the car, but Minho stayed inside holding onto the seat in front of him looking scared, I couldn't tell if he was acting or genuine.

"Umm..J-Jorge why don't we stay here in Bertha, Bertha is the safe place right?" Minho said shakily, trying to get us back in the car.

"Oh so now you let down your sassy exterior? Come on Hermano, we'll be fine" Jorge said grabbing Minho's wrist and pulling him out of the car.

"Come on Minho, lets get a bloody move on now" Newt said and we all started walking together across this big bridge that we are on it looks old and has a lot of old broken cars on it.

"What do you think will happen to you and Brenda when we get to the right arm because you guys are not immune?" Aris asked Jorge.
"I don't know Hermano but let's worry about you kids first"

I was walking with Newt and we were leading the group, Jorge and Thomas right behind us and everyone else behind them.

I was getting tense and nervous and Mewt could tell. He grabbed my hand and wrapped our fingers around each other and traced circles on my hand with his thumb. "You will be fine love, promise, I would bloody die before I let anything bad happen to you" He said looking me in my eyes.
"I know Newt. And no you are not allowed to die for me, I wouldn't be okay with it."

"I'm sorry y/n but it is true I would die for you, and I already know you would do it for me too" He said while bringing our intertwined hands to his mouth and he kissed them. "I bloody love you, more then anyone or anything, you know that right?" He said.

"Yes I know and I love you too. More than I have ever loved anyone before minus Tommy but he doesn't count he's my brother"

"Yes I know. Did I ever tell you that I had a sister before the Maze?" He said and my eyes widened. Newt had a sister?

"No I didn't know that. That is amazing" I said.

"Of course I don't remember anything about her, I just know that I have a sister. I don't remember her name, or what she looks or sounds like, if she was in the buggin maze trials, and if she was I don't know if she is bloody alive" he said somberly.

"Hey it's alright Newt" I leaned my head on his shoulder still holding hands.

"Ye---Shit owww" Newt said and I felt his shoulder jerk back.
"What is it?" I asked he was in pain. He removed his arm from his shoulder to reveal a bullet hole.

"Shit. TAKE COVER EVERYBODY SOMEONE JUST SOT NEWT!" I yelled and the other gladers all drove behind cars, Newt me and Minho were hiding behind a old truck.

"Holy shuck Newt are you okay?!" Minho questioned giving Newt his thin sweatshirt to put over his wound.
"Yeah I'll be okay as long as it doesn't get bloody infected" Then whoever was shooting at us before started shooting again.
"Who The Hell Is Shooting At Us!" Thomas yelled and no one answered.



"A BOMB!" Thomas yelled back.
"Great so he is going to bloody kill us all." Newt said from beside me and Minho scoffed. Jorge said that Thomas was going to throw it now but nothing happened then I felt the all to familiar feeling of a gun against my back.

"Stand up slowly and maybe we won't shoot you" said a girl who was holding the gun against me and I looked over and Newt and Minho were being threatened too we all got up slowly to see that the other gladers were caught too and we were led over to the others, then the two girls who were threatening us moved in front of us and we could see their faces. The first girl was darker colored with long dreadlocks that sat perfectly on her shoulders. The other girl had long blonde hair and brown eyes that looked so familiar.

"Aris!" The girl with the dreadlocks yelled that ran at Aris and wrapped him in a hug. The blonde soon did the same, "we could have shot your dumbass. What are you doing here?" The blonde asked.

"Wait what the shuck is going on here and who the shuck are you guys?" Minho asked just as confused as the rest of us. "Oh this is Harriet" aris motioned towards the girl with dreadlocks, "and this is Sonya, we were in the maze together" he said pointing to the blonde and they all smiled and hugged again.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your happy reunion here but do you girls happen to know where the right arm is?" I asked getting sort of impatient because we needed to get there, Minho nudged my shoulder showing that what I said was sort of rude but I shrugged it off.

"Well you've come to the right place then" Harriet said leading us off the bridge I was hesitant to follow her but Newt assured me that we would be okay so I followed.

Thank you for reading so far, and wow we just hit over 2K reads I'm so happy.
I am thinking of writing another story soon too, like another XReader or just a bunch of TBS and Newt imagines. But if you guys want me to start another XReader book comment on what character from whatever show, book or movie you would hopefully like to see.

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