You're too late

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Sorry for the Sterek, I just love it.

Also sorry for not updating in about a full week. There was a bad storm, then I was at a sleepover and yesterday, another funeral. It sucks but hey, its life.

Hope you are all safe and healthy. Love you ❤❤

I heard the gunshot. Then the thump of a body I turned my head to see Newt laying there shot in the head. Dead.

"Nooooo!" I screamed at the top of my lungs falling to my knees. The ground around me surged with energy flowing off of me. The concrete cracked where my knees hit, then the cracks moved out, all around me. Then forwards, towards Thomas who was crying over Newt. The ground was shaking and cracking me because of me. Because I was in a state of severe emotional pain.

I started wailing and sobbing. I couldn't hold it in any longer not seeing Newt. I rose to my feet and weakly ran over to Newt's lifeless body. I kneeled over him, crying. I hugged myself close to his chest, I didn't hear his heartbeat anymore. Not that I thought he was alive. It is very rare for someone to survive a gunshot to the head, and besides, he had the flare. At least he passed while he was still him, and not all cranked out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I raised my head and turned to see who it was. Thomas.

Then I felt an overwhelmingly strong wave of rage flow over me as I looked at my brother. He shot and killed Newt. He Killed Newt.

"You Killed Him!" I yelled.
"He told me too!" He yelled back.

"He was delusional. Okay Thomas. And look, Minho and the others are here now. They were almost here. If you had waited one. More. Minute! Newt would still be alive. He would have gotten the serum and he'd be alive"

Thomas grabbed ahold of my shoulders to stop me from flailing my arms. "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT! I ALREADY PULLED THE TRIGGER WHEN YOU YELLED. I'M SORRY"

I turned away from him and back to Newt and knelt back down beside him.

"I'm going to Teresa" Thomas said with a tear slipping fron his already red and puffy eyes. Then he turned and walked away from the scene. I didn't have the energy to chase after him. Nor did I want to call out to him. I just let him go.

I felt two more hands on my shoulders. I slowly turned my head. It was both Minho and Gally. They were looking at Newt in disbelief. Brenda was behind them. She was holding the syringe with the serum that would have been for Newt. They were all crying.

"You're to late" I said only a little over a whisper with my voice breaking.
Minho fell to his knees over his deceased best friend, he was crying hard. The queen of sass Minho was crying hard.

"Where is Thomas going?" Gally asked hiding the sorrow in his voice.

"To Teresa. The announcement, he's going to her. Its probably a suicide mission" I spoke "but right now I don't really care. Thomas killed Newt." I said then Gally looked at me surprised by my words and he crouched down to my height on the ground.
"Y/N, it's not Thomas's fault. He had to."

"NO! HE DIDN'T!" I snapped shoving Gallys hand off my shoulder and he looked hurt but also looked like he understood why.

"If I had just ran a little faster" Minho whispered beside me through his tears. I was going to say something to him but then I felt a piercing pain in my side where my knife wound is. I jerked my head. Gally poked it.

"Y/N, your hurt. What happened?" Gally looked scared and sympathetic. I nodded my head towards Newts body. "Newt, he had a knife and was all cranked out" Gally looked down at the ground away from me.
"I'm sorry, truly. But that wound, knife. You need medical attention okay. You have a lot of lost blood, because that wound should still be bleeding heavily but it's not. And your also very weak from using your powers." Gally said to me while trying to get me to stand up but I wouldn't leave Newts side.
"I'm fine Gally" I said.

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