Minho Humor

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"Hey wake up everybody we are close today, and it's not as hot so let's move shuckfaces" Minho yelled.

"Great another day to walk in a desert" I said while getting up.
"Hey at least we don't have ratman, or cranks, or grievers trying to get us" he said. "True, but we do have the heat" I told him and he nodded.

I looked over at Newt whi was still asleep on the ground next to me, he looks adorable, and his hair is somehow still perfectly out of his face and resting between his eyes.
I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, then the cheek, then the other cheek, then the lips, I gave his light gentle kisses until I felt him start to kiss back, then I pulled away.

"Awww no come back I love that, I wish I could wake up every bloody morning like that" Newt said complaining that I stopped.
"Come on Newt it is time to get a move on" I told him.

"Yeah Newtie let's GO!" Minho said putting extra sass on the word go.

"Oh shut up Minho" Newt said then got up to pack his stuff.

I was putting a thin blanket in a bag when my hand rubbed against the top of the bag and I felt a strong pain shoot through my whole arm, I looked at my hand and the skin around my my scratch was peeling, and the black veins were worse. I'm scared I really am, but I can't get infected can I? But I'm immune...right?

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" Tommy asked while walking over to me, I pulled my sleeve over my hand quickly, but not to quickly to cause suspicion.

"Yeah I'm fine Tommy, do you think we will reach the mountains today?" I asked him.

"I think we will have to spend one mor night out here maybe, sorry sis" he said.

"Sis? Since when do you call me that?" I asked, I'm not saying I don't like it its just new.

"Well I thought...I could because I, well i don't know it just sounds cool"

"Cool I like it" I told him and he nodded and we got ready to go.

"Alright ya gang of shanks let's get the shuck out of here" Minho announced and he for some reason was so energetic that he wanted us all to run after him, he started running then looked behind him to see us all walking.

"Why the shuck you guys not running?" He asked.

"Because we don't want to bloody die from exhaustion" Newt yelled walking next to me.

"Alright Then, grumpy" Minho said while pouting.
"I'm not grumpy" Newt crossed his arms.
"Yes you are" Minho said while putting his hands on his hips. I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid this situation was, then I noticed Tommy, Frypan, Aris and Teresa were also laughing.

"Alright Min whatever you say. Sorry y/n apparently I'm grumpy now" Newt said grabbing my hand and intwineing our fingers.

"You guys are gross" Minho said gaging.

"Your just jealous" I said.
"Your right I am because there are no other women here!" Minho yelled showing his frustration.

"What about Teresa?" Aris suggested.
"Yeah sure Teresa, let's try and get Teresa who by the way is taken by Thomas" Minho stated.

"No I'm not!" Teresa corrected.
"Alright then, would you date me?" Minho asked with way to much confidence.
"No" she said and Minho looked at her with his jaw dropped.
"Your saying you wouldn't date this!" He said waving his arms around his body showing it off.
"No, your not my type" Teresa said laughing at Minho.

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