Group Hug

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My mom grabbed my wrist an pulled me away from my friends and said she needed to talk to me and it was about how all this strange shit was happening to me.

"Y/N how do you feel whenever you have an outburst like that, or just explain how you feel when any weird thing like that happens" My mom told me while pulling me into her tent to talk privately.

"Weell I don't know really, I guess just emotional, because just now I was angry, and when it happened in the mall I was also angry, plus terrified."

"okay so you just have to get over emotional, and anger seems like it works best. Y/N I'm sorry I didn't explain this to you sooner, W.I.C.K.E.D did so many terrible messed up things to you, it is their fault that you have this problem. Your abilities are just going to keep getting stronger as you mature, you are only still a child, and when you are an would end up killing the people you love if you don't learn to control it now" My mom explained and my eyes widened. I could really hurt people with this, I don't want it. Why can't I be normal? Why me?

"I'm sorry mom, but how do I control this!? I barley know what the shuck it is!"

"I will help you. Well I'll try at least. First thing tomorrow meet me here" She told me.

"Alright mom I will, I'll see you tomorrow"

Time Skip

I was sitting around the fire with Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Aris and Minho, who had a black eye now. I was zoning out staring at the fire, I felt the heat on my face and the smoke in my eyes, it burned but I just kept staring.

A: Something on your mind? Aris asked me telepathically snapping my from my daze.

(Sorry yeah more telepathic talk, I think it is cool and I like it I'm just not good at writing it :)

T: Yeah I was just going to ask the same thing

"No I'm fine"

A: You don't look fine, talk to me it's alright. You can trust me.

N: Aris really, we are doing this again, talking in each others bloody heads?

M: Yes we are Newtie. Now y/n tell us what's wrong

"Fine, my mom is going to train with me about those stupid "supernatural" powers that I have but can't control at all"

A: Awesome

M: Wow you are going to be like a shucking super hero

"No not awesome you don't understand it is so hard having this and not knowing when it will worsen. And apparently my powers are still weaker now because I am still only a teenager, they will be really strong, and I mean REALLY strong when I am an adult. Mom told me that if I Don't learn how to control it now I could hurt the people I love"

N: But you won't hurt us

"No not on purpose I wouldn't"

N: No you won't period, because I believe in you and I believe that you can figure this our and control it. Then you will be the strongest out of bloody all of us.

T: Newt...she already is

M: Yeah she has been shucking stronger, faster and WAY smarter then the rest of us since she came up in that box the first day in the maze.

"Thanks guys"

Then I gave the boys a thankful smile and I wrapped one arm around Newts shoulder and the other around Minho who was sitting on my other side, I pulled them both into a hug. Minho grabbed Thomas and pulled him up from the ground and he joined our hug.

"aww do we have a group hug going here, come on let me join in on this" Frypan said walking over to us and hugging the group, Aris joined in too. 

We all just stood there together enjoying each other's company. Teresa still won't though she refuses to do anything with any of us after Thomas. But she will come around eventually.

Time Skip to the next day in Mary's tent

"Mom I'm here!" I said walking into my moms tent ready to train. It was really early in the morning, nobody are really awake yet.

"Oh good come with me we are going somewhere to train so you don't accidentally break anything or hurt anybody" She said and grabbed a duffel bag that sounded like it was full of ... glass? We walked out of the tent and over to Vince.

"Hey Vince I'm going to take Y/N here over to the rocks to train" Mom told him and he looked to me and smiled then looked back to my mom "Sure Mary be careful and stay hidden. Oh and be back by diner it is suppose to get very cold tonight so we will have to break out the warm coats"

"Yes sir, goodbye" Mom said waving and smiling at Vince.

We walked over to one of Vince's cars and mom loaded the duffel bag in the backseat and I sat in the passengers seat and my mom stared to drive, not very far, but we pulled up into this canyon, it was like we were at the bottom of it, looking up I could see the opening but it was a deep canyon, so if W.I.C.K.E.D aircrafts flew over us they wouldn't be able to see us.

Then my mom pulled a glass jar out of her bag, she set it on a large stone and she backed up and put on safety glasses, "now break it with your power" she said blank and sternly.

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