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Prologue... *Kidflash*

"Is patrol always like this? So boring until action strikes?" I asked my best friend, Robin, or Dick Grayson. We are best friends, and two of currently six young teen heroes of a small and relatively new hero team, Young Justice.

"Shut it, Wally! Besides, we stopped, like, ten robberies already. How are you still bored?" Rob asked.

"Um, because for the past fifteen minutes, you have been staring at your holo-glove and you haven't told me what's going on."

"Ugh. Fine. Somehow I got an alert that a Cadmus project has ran away and might be dangerous."

"Somehow? Dude! You're a hacking genius! And all you can say is somehow?!" I yelled before having a hand connect with my mouth.

"Geez, KF! I was joking! I hacked into the Batcave's alert system and got the alert first. I've been fighting with myself if we should go or not." Rob laughed.

I nodded and we took off.

As soon as we got there, we saw a girl about a year older than Rob running from somewhere. What surprised us was that the girl was running at my speed and dodging genomorph gnomes with Robin's crazy agility.

"Hey! Leave her alone! We'll take her prisoner and use her powers for evil." Robin yelled to the man running after the geognomes.

"But you're Robin, the Boy wonder! You do good, not evil." The bulky man said back.

"So what? Look at it this way. To us, you're doing evil, so we stop you. To you, we're doing evil and you try to send the Injustice League to stop us. So when I say we'll use the girl for evil, we'll be doing evil in each other's eyes." Rob answered.

"Fine. Give me twenty smackers." The guy said and held out his hand. Robin looked at me. I sighed. Why do I always have to pay?

"Here. Two ten dollar bills. Hopefully we won't have to bother you in the future." I said and handed the man the twenty dollars that Rob and I split. (More like that I used from my own pocket, which he won't pay back.)

The guy left with his genognomes. We took this time to greet the girl.

"Arrêtez! Reste loin de moi. Je pourrais te faire du mal.(Stop! Stay away from me. I might hurt you.)" The girl said something and held her hands out.

"Do you know what she said?" I asked Robin, knowing that he knew a ton of languages besides English.

"Nope. I didn't learn French. But you did." Was the response.

"Fine. Be that way. " I turned back to the girl and smiled.

"Hé, n'aie pas peur. Nous sommes venus pour vous aider. Je suis Kidflash ou Wally. C'est mon ami Robin. Voulez-vous revenir avec nous chez nous? (Hey, don't be scared. We've come to help you. I'm Kidflash, or Wally. That's my friend Robin. Do you want to come with us back to our home?)" I said to the girl. She smiled faintly and nodded her head.

We led her to the nearest Zetatube and arrived at Mt. Justice.


Several people weren't happy with our discovery, whom we brought to our secret base only a day ago.

"So you mean to say, you brought home a French speaking girl from Cadmus and payed for her freedom? Are you nuts?!" Conner yelled at me and Robin.

"Hey, she's no different than you, Conner. She needed a home. We can provide her that home and she's got powers. She'll be of great help to us." Robin said back. Robin was reminding Conner, or Superboy, where he came from. Conner came from an illegal clone-breeding facility called Cadmus. The scientists that worked there used stolen DNA samples form other people, mainly superheroes, and created living people from the samples. Then the clones were trained to create evil.

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