Chapter 1: A Spark

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It was the next day. You know- the day after the complete psychopath- Barrow- the only that was hell bent on killing students- had been apprehended by my dad, Sheriff Stilinski. And still, no one had any idea what was going on. Shocker, I thought to myself sarcastically, no one ever knew what the hell was going on around here. My eye lids fluttered open, looking around to my digital alarm clock to check the time. The screen was black and I frowned in my early morning stupor, confused. I never wake up before my alarm. Why is it off? I shrugged internally and rolled back over, burying my face in my pillow with a content sigh.

There were 3 quick knocks, then my dad popped his head through the door. "Stiles! It's 7:50- you're late... get your butt to school," he said, before disappearing down the hall.

He yelled again as he headed out the door, "Don't forget about the town wide curfew! The powers still out and I want you home. And yes, you still have school. Don't even bother."

I snapped my mouth shut and rolled my eyes at his mind reading. I didn't answer him, scrambling out of bed instead. I grabbed the first shirt I could see and sniffed it. "Meh, could be worse." I said out loud. I yanked it over my head and ran my hand through my wild hair. I sniped a pair of jeans from the floor, giving them a whiff before pulling them on as I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and grinned at myself in the mirror, running a wet hand through my hair to tame it a little. I left it slightly spiked up at the front, and the rest tousled lightly. I had to admit, letting my hair grow out definitely made me look a little more attractive. Less like the childish looking boy with the buzz cut, and more like the hyperactive teen I am.

I winked at myself, "lookin' good Stiles," I snickered as I booked it down the stairs and out the front door, Roscoe's keys in my hand.

I got out to the driveway and patted my Jeep lovingly, jumping into the front seat and speeding off to school. I sighed as I read the clock, I'm definitely late. Again. I thumped my hands against the wheel to the beat of the rock music blaring through the speakers. My left leg bounced unconsciously, and I felt my head bobbing to the beat. ADHD problems. I pulled into the lot and found a spot, running into the building just as the bell rang. I dashed into my first period class, English, and tried to catch my breath as I fell into the last empty seat messily.

"You're late, Mr. Stilinski," my teacher said, unimpressed.

I scratched the back of my neck as my eyes darted around the room, "Look, I'm sorry okay? Give me a break. There was a damn serial killer here yesterday! You know- the guy who only wanted to kill students? The powers out- and my alarm clock obviously wasn't on because the powers out, so I woke up super late and may have broken a couple speed limits just to-" the teacher cut me off, waving her hands in the air.

"Stiles, enough!" she said, trying to cut off the nervous ranting before it got worse. I snapped my mouth shut and sat back into my seat.

"Alright- alright- yeesh," I said, raising my hands defensively. She cocked an eyebrow at me and I submitted to her all powerful gaze.

I pressed my lips closed, locking them and throwing away the imaginary key. I heard Scott snicker beside me and grinned my trademark grin at him. The teacher snapped her head back to us again, and we both plastered innocent looks on our faces. She turned back around and continued writing on the board as I leaned over to Scott's desk.

"So where are we at? Anything new and terrifying happen while I slept?" I asked with sarcasm and wiggling eyebrows, my hands flailing about.

Scott gave me a small grin and whispered back, "No, stiles. Nothing 'new and terrifying'. But- Danny's throwing a black light party at Derek's loft tonight,
... we're going."

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now