Chapter 26: The protective fox

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Scott and I were sitting in the two chairs placed in front of the ornate wooden desk, flanked by Isaac, Kira, Lydia and Malia. We had had a hell of a time getting into the compound, the place was guarded like a fortress. They had agreed to see us, but we had to be blindfolded. Ridiculous. It was like some bad western movie. The door to the room had two guards, and we faced the small woman in front of us with barely contained rage. She hadn't spoken once, and just regarded us with contempt.

"This is the last time I'm going to ask- where is Derek Hale?" Scott growled, his eyes flashing.

I took the stacks of Derek's money out of my pockets and placed 5 bundles on the desk. She regarded me with amusement, her arms crossed in front of her.

"Look lady, I've got very little patience left after our long ass drive to get here. Give us Derek, or moneys off the table and we take him," I seethed, barely controlling my shift. Scott put a restraining hand on my arm before I could change and I relaxed.

She laughed in our faces. "You think a little pack of teenagers can get past us? Even if you do have a true alpha- you are no match for the Caliveras," she spat in her heavy Spanish accent. Definitely a bed western. She looked to the guards behind us and gave them a nod. Not good.

The door exploded inward, men armed with guns pouring into the room. Scott shot her one last glare and shifted, the rest of the pack following suit. We weren't going quietly.

"So much for bargaining," I sang sarcastically, placing the money back in my pockets quickly. I could feel the woman's eyes on me, and I glanced to see her regarding me curiously. "What? Never seen a werefox before?" I asked with venom.

We formed a circle, facing the men filling the room with our backs pressed against each other's. Our alpha let out a loud roar, and all of the eyes in our pack flashed as we growled in response. I felt the power of the pack rip through me, and knew the rest were feeling it too. Without any warning, we all charged. Claws extended and fangs out, hacking and ripping at the bodies in front of us. Kira's sword was flashing around her and Lydia yelled, "Ears!" Before the banshee let out an ear piercing scream. We had all dropped to the floor and covered our ears at her instruction, and watched as the rest of the room screamed in pain, blood running from their ears. We scrambled to our feet and made it out of the room, splitting into two groups to look for Derek. Isaac, Lydia and I went left. Scott, Kira and Malia took off down the right hallway, not even glancing back as the plan was set in motion. None of it looked familiar, having been blind folded at the door before coming inside.

"Isaac, we need to focus. Try to find Derek's scent. Lydia, do you sense anything?" I asked quickly, still running and keeping my eyes forward.

"Nothing," she responded.

"I'm not getting anything," Isaac yelled. I cursed.

"Me neither. We'll just have to keep looking. He's got to be here!" I said in a shaky voice. Footsteps sounded, running down the hall after us. "Looks like they recovered!" We ran faster.

We rounded a corner and nearly ran straight into 2 men, guns in their hands. Shit. Isaac and I reacted immediately, expertly throwing punches and kicks. All of that training was paying off. We had them down, they were rolling on the floor in pain, but the ones chasing were on us now. They tackled us to the ground and took Lydia by the arms. I felt more then saw her pain as they squeezed, hard enough to leave bruises.

"Get your hands off of her," I screamed, breaking free from the floor in my rage.

I lunged towards the men holding her and managed to scratch my claws across one of their faces before I was grabbed from behind again. I grinned as the blood streamed down the tan mans face. Serves him right for hurting Lydia. We were hauled, none to gently, down several corridors, and then a set of rusty steps. They threw us down onto a dirty cement floor, and I noted the dried blood and filth. Isaac was writhing and they threw a punch at his face, holding his arms so he couldn't defend himself. White hot rage ripped through me and I let out a menacing growl as I rose from the floor and ran at them. Lydia put a hand on my arm to hold me back as the men restraining Isaac looked at me in disgust.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now