Chapter 11: Confusion

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I watched as Stiles flinched away from my tone and into Isaac, as he put his arm around Stiles on the back of the booth, as he let his arm slide down until his fingers were touching his shoulder. I saw the look Stiles was giving him as he shuffled a little closer to the curly haired werewolf. They looked like they had forgotten about the rest of us sitting at the table. I felt the anger and jealousy well up inside me as I realized I had made that happen.

Stiles was just asking if I was alright, and I had been an angry jerk, again. But I couldn't help it. Hearing about Stiles sleeping with Malia every night had hurt. Then, walking down the stairs to see Isaac sitting on Stiles, their faces only inches apart as they stared at one another and panted. I couldn't take it. I had a moment of weakness and a growl had escaped. Stiles had looked very confused, but Isaac seemed to understand the threat. Did he know how I felt about him? I couldn't tell. Maybe he just thought I assumed he was hurting Stiles. All I knew was, I had no right to be angry at any of them. None of them knew how I felt about the werefox. This was my own fault.

Although, there seemed to be no small line of admirers. Malia, and now Isaac. Or so it appeared anyway. There was no other way to explain the way he was acting with Stiles today. I didn't know that he was gay, or bisexual, but perhaps he didn't know it himself. As wolves, our emotions tended to be instinctual and aren't always gender specific. I had never been interested in another man before, until I met Stiles. Maybe it was like that for Isaac too. I also knew that Stiles is straight. He was in love with Lydia for literally a decade, and now he was sleeping with Malia.

But the way he had been acting lately, all the staring and blushing... I had thought that maybe... maybe he might be interested in me too. Despite the fact that I'm a man. The way he was looking at Isaac... it was more than heterosexual. It was like he was admiring him, studying his face. I felt the jealousy burning again and tried to push it down. So after all that, maybe Stiles is bisexual. So maybe I would have a chance. I could stop hiding how I feel and actually try to be with him. I mulled all of this over as I mechanically ate the breakfast in front of me.

Stiles' laugh beside me jerked me out of my thoughts, and I watched as Isaac used his finger to get the chocolate off of Stiles chin. Isaac bit his lip before putting the finger in his mouth, licking it clean. Stiles eyes went a little wide and he sputtered, but Isaac just dried his finger on a napkin and went back to the conversation with Scott and Liam.  His fingers were trailing patterns on Stiles shoulder beside me as he talked, and Stiles continued to watch his face. What. The. Fuck. Isaac is definitely into Stiles too, there's no doubt about it. Friends don't lick the chocolate off of other friends' faces. I had a sinking feeling as I realized who I would pick in this situation.

"Well, can we get going? I should really get some studying done before Malia shows up again tonight," Stiles said, addressing the table. They all nodded and rose from their seats to pay at the cash.

Isaac stayed back and caught Stiles. "What are you studying?" He asked.

"Bio and chem, and I have an English paper I should get started..." he trailed off.

"Do you mind if I join?" Isaac asked, using his puppy dog eyes. What is it with these teenagers and their perfect puppy dog eyes? I hate it.

"Sure- sure," he stammered, thrown off by the power of Isaac's blue eyes. "Do you wanna come with us now, or come by later?" Stiles questioned.

"I'll be by in a bit,  I should go back to the loft and get my books," he told him with his brilliant smile.

The other three piled into the blue Jeep and waved their goodbyes as Isaac and I got into my Camaro, heading back to the loft. I could smell Stiles on Isaac and my hands tightened on the wheel.

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