Chapter 17: Expert Advice

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I went to see the only person I knew who could keep a secret. And would know what to do about my predicament. She also adored hearing secrets. Lydia has her free period at the same time as I do, and as predicted, I found her in the library reading. Right where I knew she would be.

"Lydia. Lyds. Lyd-i-a. The big L. My main-," she interrupted my awkwardness.

"What is it that you want Stilinski?" She asked, raising a brow as she looked up from her book.

I huffed and sat beside her. "Okay! I need your help. And advice... in regards to my love life. If I have one?"

She perked up at that, always interested in hearing another secret. "Ooh, do tell!" She exclaimed. I glanced around the library.

"No, not here. No one else can know about this. Promise?" I pleaded, puppy dog eyes and all.

"Well, you have yet to tell me anything incriminating... but yes. I promise Stiles. My place after school," she said decisively.

I smiled, relieved and gave her a side hug. "Thanks, you're the best."

"I know," she said confidently, and went back to reading her book. I rolled my eyes and headed to my locker as I heard the lunch bell ring.

I was the first to sit down at our table and I pulled out my lunch as Scott sat down across from me. He gave me a winning smile and puppy dog eyes, and I rolled my eyes at him as I pulled out a second lunch that I had made for him. He smiled bigger and kissed my hand as if I were a king as he took the bag. I just shook my head at how spoiled he was. Scott couldn't cook to save his life, and Mellissa and my dad were always busy at the hospital and the station. I had been making delicious and nutritious lunches for Scott for years now. My thoughts were interrupted as Kira sat down next to him, awfully close. They exchanged small, adorable smiles and I sighed inwardly. When the hell were these two idiots going to finally get together?

Lydia sat beside Kira and Malia on the other side of her, who was pointedly not looking in my direction. Normally, I would have been hurt by that... but I only felt relief. Maybe she finally figured it out. Thank god. A few seconds later Liam and Mason walked up and sat beside me, leaving a little space between us. I winked at Liam.

"How you feeling today, pup?" I asked with a gleam in my eye. His best friend, Mason, still didn't know he was a werewolf.

He flushed red and glared at me, "Fine. How about you, little fox?" He said tauntingly.

"Ooh, puppy's got jokes," I said mildly.

Mason giggled and frowned at Liam, "Dude, did you just call him a fox? Are you saying you find Stiles attractive? I thought I was the gay one," he said with amusement, and a taunting undertone. He loves getting Liam worked up as much as the rest of us do.

"Liam! I didn't know you found me attractive! I'm flattered, but you're really not my type. Too short," I winked at him again.

He glared between me and Mason as we laughed together. "Oh just shut up guys," he gritted through his teeth.

My head snapped up when I smelled a familiar scent enter the cafeteria. I turned to the door and saw Isaac grinning at me. I felt myself smile on reflex as he made his way over. He pushed Liam over as he sat close to my side, his arm touching mine lightly. Liam glared at him, but didn't say anything to the taller boy. I pulled out the lunch I had made for him and handed it over. He grinned wider and slung his arm around my shoulder to give me a small side hug. I felt more than saw Scott frowning at me.

"Since when do you make him lunch too?" He whined at me, offended.

"Scott McCall! I've been making you lunches for years. Do you want to start making your own?" He shook his head begrudgingly at me and I continued. "No, I didn't think so. Derek definitely doesn't make Isaac nearly as nutritious a lunch as I do, its only fair I make them for him too. So hush," I finished, sounding like a parent scolding their child.

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