Chapter 33: The werejaguar

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I paced wildly outside of the high school, waiting for the final bell to ring and Stiles to walk out of the doors. I huffed with impatience and burst through the front doors, following Stiles' scent to his locker. The bell rang and students poured out of the classrooms eagerly. I ignored the odd looks I was getting and scanned the crowd for Stiles. I heard his familiar, slightly elevated heart beat before I saw him, and sighed with relief. Him and Scott came around the corner, Scott's arm around Stiles shoulders. I pushed the pang of jealousy down, I needed to talk to Scott too. Stiles' head snapped up, having caught my scent. His happy expression turned into a look of worry as he took in my appearance.

"Derek? Derek what is it?" He asked immediately, wrapping his arms around me. I squeezed him hard, relieved that he was okay.

I looked at Scott over his shoulder. "Kate. She's here. She's in Beacon Hills," I said urgently.

Stiles pulled away, the expression on his face one of pure anger, and promised violence. "Where is she?" He hissed menacingly. "I'll tear her to shreds!" His eyes flashed their bright orange and he was clenching his fists as his claws extended, blood dripping into the floor. "I'll kill her," he said, deadpan. And I didn't doubt it. Stiles had never scared me with a look before. Until now.

Scott was eyeing Stiles worriedly. "Stiles, relax. Breathe. We'll find her and deal with it, I promise. But right now, you need to relax." He glanced around the hall nervously, hoping no one was watching.

"Stiles!" He hissed, his alpha command breaking through as his eyes flashed red. Stiles relaxed, shifting back into his human form quickly. Scott sighed with relief and looked to me.

"Where is she?" He asked seriously.

"I don't know, I didn't track her. I just caught her scent and came here immediately," I answered, looking at Stiles. "I'm taking Stiles to my loft."

Stiles frowned at me. "I'm not the one that needs protecting!" He exclaimed. "You're the one she's probably after! You're the one she took and turned into a sixteen year old!"

"Stiles... I know how she operates. If she finds out we're together, if she doesn't know already, she'll use you. She'll use you to get to me," I said quickly. "I can't let her get you."

Scott nodded his agreement. "He's right Stiles. She might be supernatural now, but she was raised a hunter. She's smart, and crafty. You need to stay out of this until we find her. But I think you should come look with me Derek," Scott said as we walked out to the parking lot. Stiles had his phone out, quickly texting the rest of the pack. I glared at Scott.

"I'm not leaving Stiles," I fumed.

"Derek. You know her scent. We need you to track her. Stiles can stay with Isaac and Liam. They'll keep him safe," he said. His alpha tone brooked no arguments. And he was right. The rest of the pack was surrounding us now and I looked to Stiles as a low whine escaped my throat.

"Derek, I'll be okay. Liam, Isaac and I can handle ourselves. I'm not a defenceless little human anymore, remember?" He said, trying to reassure me.

My expression softened and I took his face in my hands. "You were never defenceless Stiles," I said as I gently kissed his mouth. He smiled under my kiss.

"Aw, come on guys... gross," Liam whined. I glared at him and kissed Stiles again, for good measure. Mine.

"Fine, but you go to my loft," I demanded. He nodded his understanding and I handed him my keys begrudgingly. He smiled shyly, knowing I never let anyone drive my car, and pecked me on the cheek lightly. Scott split the pack in two. Kira and Malia would go with us, and Lydia and Mason would go with Stiles and the boys.

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