Chapter 42: Afterglow

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We definitely had more fun in the shower. More than once. But eventually even with our supernatural stamina, we got tired, our bodies shaking with exhaustion. When we finally made it back to our bed, we both collapsed. We were tangled together with our heads buried in the pillows, and asleep almost instantly.

When I woke up, hours later, it was to the smell of cinnamon waffles, bacon and coffee. I stayed where I was and closed my eyes, feeling Stiles emotions from where he was dancing in the kitchen. Happiness, sentimentality, and a small twinge if sadness. I frowned when I felt the sadness. Why is he sad? Did he not enjoy last night? From the noises he was making and the emotions I felt- I thought he was enjoying himself as much as I was. But maybe not. I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats, leaving my chest bare. I made my way down the stairs silently, wanting to watch him for a moment before I interrupted.

He was standing in front of the stove top, spatula in hand and swaying his hips to the quiet music he had playing. He must have kept it quiet so he wouldn't wake me, because he usually blasted his music when he listened to it. He suddenly threw his hands in the air and waved them around, moving his head to the beat and I couldn't help but chuckle at him. He snapped his head around with a smile, spotting me on the stairs watching him. Love wafted from him, the sadness diminishing. My chest didn't feel as tight with uncertainty anymore.

"Morning sex god," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous name, but made my way over to him. I took the spatula from his hands and folded him into my arms. I nuzzled into his soft hair and inhaled his scent.

"Why were you sad?" I whispered, placing a tender kiss on his lips. I felt his sadness engulf me like a tidal wave and squeezed him tightly. I shouldn't have asked, I had just made it worse. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me, love."

He looked up at me with sad eyes, clearing his throat. "Uhh- it's because. Well, I like being in the kitchen because it makes me feel closer to her," he whispered quietly, his voice barely audible. I didn't have to ask him to elaborate, I knew. He was talking about his mother.

"She would be proud, you know? You're an incredible person Stiles. I couldn't be luckier," I said sincerely, kissing him again.

He didn't need to answer me, the mate bond doing it for him as I was nearly bowled over by the wave of warmth and happiness. I smiled my biggest smile and he grabbed his chest dramatically, his heart slipping a beat.

"Seriously Derek. One of these days, that's going to literally kill me," he said seriously.

Then the love in his eyes changed to lust, flashing their fox orange. I growled and grabbed him by the hips, lifting him onto the counter as my fingers crept under his shirt. His hands were on my back, feeling the muscles there and leaving a trail of sparks in his path. My fingertips moved to trace the marks I had left on his neck, like a neon sign saying 'I'm taken'. The mating marks didn't heal like our bodies usually did. They would remain visible for at least a week, only being visible to other were-creatures afterwards.

We kissed each other passionately as the flames from the night before crawled back through my body. Suddenly the loft door opened and I smelled Isaac's scent as he entered the room. I was reminded again about how Stiles could literally take me out of this world when his lips were on mine. Before, no one would have made the parking lot without me knowing. Now, I was constantly being surprised by doors opening at the most inopportune moments.

"Aw, come on guys... I gave you all night alone and you're still at it?" Isaac whined.

Stiles just smirked mischievously. "Isaac Lahey, this," he said, gesturing between us, "has only gotten hotter, my pup."

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