Chapter 28: Transformation

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I came out of the bathroom and was overwhelmed with the mouth watering smell of pizza. Thank god, I'm starving. There were 5 extra large pizza boxes scattered about the room, and three were already emptied.

"Woah, you guys can eat," I said, impressed, and grabbed two slices for myself.

"You mean Liam and Stiles can eat," the dark skinned boy clarified. "They ate a whole pizza each."

I snorted and looked at the two culprits, who were completely unfazed. "Mans gotta eat," Stiles said, patting his stomach contently. It was clear that there were rock hard abs beneath the fabric and I rolled my eyes.

I turned back to the boy who had spoken, "I'm Derek," I said by way of introduction. I didn't know his name yet.

"I'm Mason," he said easily. "The only human in the pack... now that Stiles betrayed me," he said, shooting him a sarcastic frown.

"A human in a pack?" I asked, shocked and confused. I'd never heard of that before, not really. My family had humans, but they were family. This was different. He nodded at me with a smile.

"We've got a human, three werewolves, a werecoyote, a banshee, a Kitsune and a werefox," he listed, ticking off his fingers.

"Werefox," I echoed in disbelief. I'd never heard of one before. Banshees I knew were rare, and Kitsune's even more so, but at least I'd heard of them. But a werefox? It didn't sound real. I snorted at the concept.

"First he insults my Jeep, now he insults my were-form... what's next?" Stiles asked with a laugh.

I eyed him uncertainly. "You? You're the werefox?" I ask incredulously. He cocked an eyebrow at my tone. "Ohh! That's why your eyes were orange."

He rolled his eyes at me and stood, closing his eyes. He shifted similar to the way a werewolf would, his form looked nearly the same. Expect his ears were tipped with soft black fur, his claws and fangs were thinner and shaper, the hair on his face was curly and orange- and he had a fox tail. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing that brilliant orange again. He smirked at my shocked expression cockily, and shifted back to his human form. He winked as he turned to start cleaning up around the room, picking up after the rest of the boys like a mother hen. In a few minutes the place was back to normal and he turned to the group of teenagers, clapping his hands together quickly.

"Okay boys! In bed!" He instructed. They all got up and did as they were told, getting ready for bed with yawns and stretches. He turned to me next. "You too kid." I snorted and he glared, pointing to the cot. I rolled my eyes and flopped down, yanking the blankets up to my chin and watching the rest of the room.

The remainder of them were tucked in bed and Stiles gave a satisfied nod, stripping down to his boxers beside his bed. I gulped as I looked at his lithe body, and a ball of heat formed in my stomach. What. The. Hell. I'm not gay, what is going on with me? I've never been interested in other guys... not that I had a problem with people who did... but that wasn't me. I watched as he got under the covers and Isaac pulled Stiles' back against his chest easily, snuggling into him. I felt a pang of jealousy and pushed it down. Maybe they were together? I could not figure this group of people out. A yawn forced its way out of my mouth and I felt my eyelids sliding shut tiredly.

I woke up to a whimpering noise, the room was mostly dark, the only light coming from a small night light in the outlet by the bathroom door. Someone was thrashing around in Stiles bed, whimpering and muttering as they moved. I saw Liam rise from his bed and lower himself beside the body that was moving around wildly in the other one.

"Shh... Stiles, it's just a dream," he whispered sleepily as he laid down and wrapped his arms around the boy having the nightmare. Stiles calmed at his touch and stopped moving, falling back into a quiet sleep. Liam nuzzled his head against Stiles' hair and shut his eyes. My chest was burning with jealousy as I looked at the two boys cuddled around Stiles body. That should be me. I felt a sharp pain in my head again... like someone was stabbing me. I heard Stiles cry out as I held my head in my hands. I looked up to see him awake and holding his head too.

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