Chapter 4: Human Lie Detector

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I seemed to be healing at the average human pace, but I was healing. Which was good. Dad has been sleeping in a chair in my room, and he had finally left for work this morning, knowing I was in the clear. And because I practically forced him. He was driving me crazy, hovering about and worrying over me. I didn't like having to be taken care of. I was used to taking care of him- making sure he was okay. Scott and Derek had visited my hospital room regularly over the past two days, constantly checking on me. They said they just wanted to be sure I was okay, but I knew they were checking for something else. I just felt it when they were lying to me. They were baffled that the bite hadn't changed me, and they were unsure of what it meant. Deaton had been in with them the day after my surgery to check on me and make sure the nogitsune was gone. He confirmed that it was, but he was concerned about my not having been changed.

"It could have had something to do with the Nogitsune being in there with you at the time that you were bitten. However, it wouldn't have left your body unless it was changed... that's where the confusion lies. The full moon will tell us if we're right or not." I remember him saying. Great. Even an emissary didn't know what was up, that's never good.

I was seething mad the first day, stubbornly refusing to talk to Scott when he was around. I had felt completely betrayed. He knew how I felt about what my mom had said. I was angry, but I decided that I couldn't hold it against my friends. After Scott had explained the last month and everything they had researched and tried... they were just doing the only thing left. The only thing they could do to get rid of the nogitsune and save my life. I was grateful that it had been their last resort, that they had at least tried to respect my wishes. Whatever happened, happened. I would just have to get over it.

I couldn't look anyone in the eye. I felt so incredibly guilty and weak. Stupid, weak little human. This was my fault. Allison and Aiden are dead- because of me. Because they were trying to save me. And all because I was too weak to keep the nogitsune out. I was in a very black mood when Lydia came by.

Lydia sauntered into the room, her strawberry curls bouncing. "They're letting you out today!" She announced excitedly, sitting on the edge of my bed. She handed me a piping hot coffee, and I flashed her a grateful look. The hospital stuff was horrible, and they weren't letting me drink it anyway. Caffeine and ADD were usually a no-no, but I liked the bitter liquid. And definitely needed it in the mornings- I'm sooo not a morning person. Even if it did make my heart feel like it was pounding out of my chest.

"Whoopie," I said sarcastically, twirling my fingers in the air. I was so not in the mood for happy people right now. The coffee had only improved my mood a little.

She gave me a frown, pursing her plump lips at me. "Stiles Stilinski, don't give me attitude. Admittedly, you only get to go home and lay in your bed... but at least you'll be at home!"

I rolled my eyes at her and looked at the wall. She continued talking, "I'm so glad you're finally rid of that horrible spirit, and that you're okay again." Lie. My body told me. I looked at her sharply and replayed the words in my head... which part was a lie?

"You're lying. We all know I might not be okay again, we have no idea. There are SO many unanswered questions! What repercussions are there from being possessed by an evil fox spirit for over a month? Because there's no way I just get to walk away from this scot free- this is Beacon Hills. And I'm Stiles. Trouble is literally my middle name." I flailed my arms in the air at her accusingly, "So don't say I'm fine."

She raised her eyebrows at my outburst, but said nothing. I sighed. I didn't want to yell at Lydia, or fight with her. She had just lost her best friend, and she wasn't blaming me. I took a moment to really look at her. She looked haggard- for Lydia. And by that I mean, if you didn't know her as well as I did, or the rest of the pack did, you wouldn't know something was wrong, wouldn't know she was breaking inside because her best friend was killed only a few days ago. My eyes were in my lap and I felt her take my hand and give it a light squeeze. Derek Hale chose that moment to enter the room. His eyes immediately went to our joined hands and up to my face. He started to back pedal, attempting to leave the room.

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