Chapter 32: Constant interruptions

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When I woke up in the darkness, I wasn't alone. But it wasn't my sour wolf occupying the other half of my bed, it was Isaac. And his thrashing and yelling is what woke me up, not my alarm. I groaned as I shifted in the bed, wrapping my arms around him and stroking his hair gently.

"Shh- it's okay. Isaac, it's just a dream, it's okay. Shhh," I whispered in his ear, trying to calm him in my sleepy state.

My dad burst through the door to my room. "Stiles! Stiles are you okay? What's-," he broke off when he spotted Isaac in my arms. "Uhh... Stiles? I thought you were dating Derek?" The confusion and reproach were evident in his tone.

I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not like that. He has trouble sleeping sometimes, so he comes here. Derek knows, it's okay dad," I looked down at the wolf curled up in my arms affectionately. "He's had it really rough dad... I just want to take care of him," I whispered gently, not wanting to wake the sleeping teen. When I looked back up at him, his face had softened- he looked proud.

"You're such a mother hen Stiles... your mother would be proud of you," he said, his voice soft. "Goodnight Stiles," he said, closing the door behind him.

I smiled as I looked at Isaac's now peaceful face. I didn't remember him getting in the bed at all, but I didn't mind either. A feeling of happiness settled over me when I looked at the calm, sleeping boy. This is all I wanted. For them all to be calm, peaceful, happy. Maybe I am the mother hen of the pack- it would explain the fierce protectiveness I felt for my fellow pack members. The need to make sure they were well fed and happy, to wrap them in my arms and comfort them. I snorted. The mother hen title didn't bother me... and normally it would. Dear lord, what am I turning into? I snuggled closer to Isaac and faded off to sleep again.

It felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes when I was pulled out of my slumber by the smell of forest and mint. I peeled my eyes open and looked around for my werewolf in the early morning light.

"Derek?" I whispered. Isaac was still in my arms and I didn't want to wake him.

"Right here," he whispered back, coming to kneel beside the bed. I smiled at him in the semi darkness as he leaned in to lay a soft kiss on my lips. "I knew he would be here. I woke up and he was gone, I was panicking-," he said quietly.

"He must have been having trouble sleeping. He woke me up around 3 am, he was having a nightmare," I said quietly.

Derek was looking at him with concern on his face and my heart swelled a little in my chest at the sight. He cared about Isaac more than he let on. He reached up to stroke his cheekbone gently, and then his hand moved to my own face. He held my face like it was the most delicate thing in the world, and leaned in to kiss me again. I sighed with happiness, enjoying the gentle kisses. It was a sweetness, a softness that I hadn't expected from the strong and dangerous wolf, and it was making me melt. I was worried I might actually turn into putty in his hands. I glanced down at myself just to make sure. Nope, still solid. I looked up to see him watching me, bemused.

"What are you doing?" He asked, laughter in his tone.

"I was checking to make sure I wasn't melting," I answered honestly. He smiled his dazzling smile and laughed quietly. I checked again. "Dear lord. That smile alone could make me turn to mush," I said lovingly.

I gently moved Isaac over, but kept him firmly in my arm as I patted the bed beside me. "Come here," I whispered.

Derek smiled a sweet smile and climbed into bed beside me. It was tight, but we made it work. He held me in his arms, and I held Isaac in mine. I closed my eyes again, completely content, as I fell asleep for the third time.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now