Chapter 6: Inner Fox

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After the events of the full moon, the pack immediately went to Deaton's clinic to get some answers. Despite the fact that it was 5am, they knew he would be there. He always was when they needed him most. They stopped off to get coffee at the local cafe first, hoping to soften the blow of 6 teenagers showing up at his door so early. Plus, they had all been up all night and needed the caffeine themselves. Stiles had cleaned himself up in the Hale mansion, thankful that the wolves had recommended he bring a second pair of clothes. How did that place still have running water anyway? Whatever, I was grateful.

There had been a lot of blood. Both my own, and the blood of my apparent kill. I ate a god dammed, live, RABBIT. All of the dog jokes I made at the werewolves were definitely relevant. But nothing was more shocking than seeing my fox form in the mirror for the first time. Or my TAIL. I couldn't believe I would sprout a bushy tail every time I change. It was insane, but also kinda cool. My claws were shiny and black, smaller than the werewolves, but more lethal. My irises shone a brilliant orange, a colour I had to admit I liked. The soft, curly hair on my face was a deeper reddish-orange, and my pointed ears were covered in a soft black fur at the tips. The fangs in my mouth were skinnier than the werewolf teeth I had seen, but definitely sharper where they came to a point.

The last thing I remembered clearly was looking down to see a bushy tail sprouting from my lower back. I didn't remember much from the change, just the pain and the wind on my face as I ran. I saw flashes of the werewolves chasing me, of me stalking a rabbit, and of Scott asserting his alpha dominance. My best friends teeth had grazed across my skin, on my neck. What an odd thing to think about as a human. But as a fox, it had felt right and I felt safe in my alpha's presence. Scott had always been the alpha of our pack, but I had never thought about him as, you know, actually my alpha before. Someone that I belonged to and owed my complete allegiance, someone that had the right to claim me. I snorted, did all of these ridiculous werewolf terms popping into my head come with the territory?

I playfully flashed my orange irises again as I looked in the rear view mirror of the Jeep. Scott snorted from the passenger seat, flashing his red ones back at me. I grinned at him and focused on my driving as we pulled into the parking lot of the clinic. Derek's black Camaro pulled in beside us and him and Isaac stepped out. Me, Scott, Lydia and Kira all piled out of the Jeep and headed for the front door. Scott pulled out his key and unlocked the door, calling out a greeting to Deaton. We waited at the gate as the emissary appeared from the back room. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he took in the 6 exhausted teenagers in front of him. Lydia handed him his coffee and he took it gratefully as he greeted us.

"You do realize that it's five o'clock in the morning, right?" He asked with a small smile.

We all nodded , but his eyes fell on me and I flashed my orange irises at him. He smiled wider as he opened the gate, ushering us through.

"I guess I can assume by the orange eyes that Stiles made a transformation last night?" He enquired.

Scott spoke up, "Yes! But not into a werewolf..." he paused for dramatic effect. "He's a werefox!"

Deaton's eyes grew wide as they studied me again. "Fascinating," he said.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him and gave a proud grin, striking a pose. The entire room rolled their eyes in unison as I chuckled at myself. Scott and Derek went into detail about my werefox appearance, and the tail. I cringed. Deaton listened with interest as they talked, his eyes darting between the two of them and me.

"Personally, I think Stiles' were-appearance is a fox because of his personality," Derek stated. "He's intelligent, resourceful, good in sticky situations and cunning. Even his body is lean like a fox, and he's always been quick. It just makes sense." My eyebrows shot up. That sort of sounded like a compliment? Isaac was nodding at what Derek had said, and I felt a little flattered. I'm lean.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now