Chapter 9: A New Member

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Scott and I laid in a tangled mass of limbs at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the front door standing ajar. Fuck. Liam was gone. Newly bitten, werewolf Liam that we had tied in duct tape not an hour ago, was gone.

"We're so screwed," I mumbled. Scott glared at me as he roughly removed his arms and legs from mine.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," he said angrily, his hands pulling at his hair.

"What if he goes to the cops, Scott? Hmmm? What then? Oh hello officer. Oh, that? That's a bloody bite mark from where some nut job bit me with his fangs. Oh, then they kidnapped me, and tied me to a chair with duct tape. Do I know their names? Why yes, YES I DO!" I yelled, flailing my arms as I panicked.

The already open front door slammed into the wall as Derek burst through the opening. "What happened?" He demanded, then asked as he looked me over, "Are you okay Stiles?"

He stepped closer to inspect me further, making sure I wasn't injured. He ran his hands up my arms and I shivered, but not from the cold. I shook him off angrily and stepped back, his scent was overwhelming me and I couldn't focus. As I backed up I felt Scott's hand on the back of my neck briefly. But when I turned to him he was looking at Derek.

"Nothing. Nothings going on. Everything's fine, we're fine." He said innocently, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

He glared at Scott and I piped up accusingly, "What are you even doing here?"

"Your dad just called, he wants me to go to the hospital and look at a dead body for him. On the roof," he stated, as if that answered the question. Which it didn't.

I couldn't control myself as my eyes looked to Scott quickly, then away. Derek caught it and stalked up to Scott, getting in his face. "Is there something I should know, alpha?"

"Uhh... no, not that I know of." Scott said too quickly. I winced. Scott is a terrible liar.

Derek let it go as he stomped out the door, ignoring us both as he went. I sighed with relief when the door shut behind him. But then thought about it a little more...

"Scott, maybe you should tell him," he was already oh-my-god-no shaking his head at me. "Hear me out. I know he's not an Alpha anymore, but he was, and he made three wolves of his own. Maybe we should consider the fact that he knows more about this than we do. He could help."

Scott cocked his head as he thought it over, I could smell the nervousness and frustration on him. He slumped to the floor and put his head in his hands. I tried to think quickly and come up with a solution. But Derek was the best option. We should find out more about this kid too, actually. We had just met him today and had no idea who he was really. I turned to Scott, ready to put my detective abilities to good use again.

"Okay, first step. Find out every thing we can about Liam." I grabbed Scott by the arm and dragged him out to my Jeep. We went back to my house and I worked my magic on my trusty laptop. As I sat at the desk in my room and waited for the screen to load, I found myself reaching into the top drawer and pulling out a protein bar. When did I put that there? But the page had loaded and I was distracted again. My eyes widened as I read the screen. Oh shit. I heard Scott let out a low whine behind me as he too saw what I was reading.

"Nice job Scott, you managed to find the angriest kid in the entire school and give him werewolf powers. We are so so screwed," I groaned. He grabbed the protein bar out of my hand and took a bite, then gave it back.

"Not only do I have a new werefox on my hands... but I've also got the angriest werewolf beta in the history of the planet. Some alpha," he scoffed. "Great. We're screwed." He repeated.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now