Chapter 10: God, I hate him

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Scott, Stiles and Liam were all in the middle of my loft when I made my way down the stairs at 7am on a Saturday. The sweatpants I wore hung low on my hips and I could feel my hair sticking up in a million directions, but I didn't care. What the hell are these idiots doing here at this time in the morning?! I thought angrily. I'm not a morning person, and I was pissed.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I demanded heatedly.

The three boys whipped around to face me, raising their eyebrows at my appearance. Stiles' face flushed pink as his eyes took in my bare torso. I grinned internally as he tried to avert his eyes... only to bring them back and stare some more. Scott and Liam just looked guilty for obviously having woken me. No one said anything as I came to stand in front of them. Stiles' face was a deep red by the time he found his sharp tongue again.

"God Derek, put on a shirt will you?" He said with false disgust. I smirked and sat down on the couch, putting my feet on the coffee table and stretching my body out on display. His eyes never left me, and they flicked down again to look at my body some more. I wasn't usually the type to flaunt, but I was enjoying the blushing Stiles in front of me.

"You know? I think I'm good just like this," I responded casually. "You preteens didn't answer me. What are you doing here? At 7. In. The. Morning." I ground out through my teeth.

Stiles pulled out a hot coffee from my favourite cafe and handed to me, which definitely helped my mood. It was strong and black, exactly how I liked it. Stiles definitely paid more attention to me than I thought. I took a big gulp and hummed appreciatively.

Scott spoke up, "We were hoping we could train here today?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question.

I rolled my eyes at that. "Well, you've practically lived here training these two pups all week, might as well keep it up," I said sarcastically.

Liam fumed at that nickname, like I had known he would. It was too easy to push the angry boys buttons, and I loved it. So did Isaac, the mouthy little shit. Maybe that's why he was always my favourite. But I hadn't expected to ignite Stiles' anger so easily. He growled at me as I watched his eyes flash bright orange. I smirked at the angry fox, unfazed by his threat. Which only served to make him angrier as he shifted into his fox form in front of me. I continued to lounge on the couch, but set my precious coffee aside as he coiled to spring. I blocked his spring with a leg, kicking him gently to the side and sending him crashing to the floor.

I moved quickly, jumping on top of Stiles and straddling his hips. I had an arm to his throat and a smirk still plastered on my face. I looked down at the flustered fox beneath me as he shifted back to human, wiggling uncomfortably underneath me. He gulped loudly and blushed wildly again. I paused and sniffed him. I smelled his scent, Scott's and another. A female one that was all dirt and pine needles. I frowned, but savoured the uncomfortable look on his face a moment longer before I released him, sauntering back to the couch and flopping down gracefully. I sipped my coffee innocently as he collected himself on the floor, the other boys watching the whole thing in silence. Scott had a hand over his mouth as he tried not to laugh at the look on Stiles face.

"You okay there Stiles?" He asked, his voice shaking with silent laughter. The angry teenager rose from the floor and glared at his alpha in response.

"McCall-," Stiles started angrily.

Isaac shuffled down the stairs in plaid pj bottoms and a tank top, yawning and glaring at the visitors just as I had.

"Do you freaks know what time it is?" He asked angrily.

"Yes, yes we do. And the first thing we all wanted to see this fine morning was your happy smile," Stiles said sarcastically, regaining his bearings. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a second coffee off the counter, handing it to Isaac. The curly haired boy seemed to forgive the intrusion when the warm cup came into contact with his hands. He flopped down beside me on the couch, eyeing my lounging display with a quizzical brow.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now