Chapter 5 : First Moon

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We were all gathered at the old Hale mansion on the preserve in the woods. Scott and Derek had decided it was the best place for a newbie wolf's first moon, a lot less people I could kill. Nice. We still had no idea if I would change tonight or not, but this was the precautionary measure. Lydia and Kira were here for moral support, but that's about it. Isaac, Derek and Scott were all completely in control, having accomplished that eons ago.  The only one that may be a threat was me, maybe. I still hadn't told my dad exactly what happened, that Scott had bitten me. Save that chat for when we were sure. I gulped as I realized the time for that conversation ought to be tomorrow. Ugh.

I had been with Scott for enough full moons to know what to expect. If I was going to change, it would be when the moon was at its highest, and most powerful. So that wasn't until around midnight. I sighed, I absolutely hate waiting. It makes my fidgety tendencies 1000 times worse. I was pacing back and forth in front of the rest of the pack, unable to sit still. It was only 9pm, the stars had just started to twinkle in the sky. I could feel all of their eyes on me as I wore a path in the ground.

"Stop staring at me like I'm about to transform into something freaky and rip your throats out!" I demanded nervously. I glared at them and paced a little farther away, flopping on the ground and looking up. I tried to calm myself down by admiring the stars, counting them as I went.

I had never felt quite so affected by the beauty of the bright spots of light, and I found I couldn't tear my eyes away. I was calm to my core as I investigated the night sky on display above me. I don't know how long I had laid there, but I suddenly felt more than heard someone coming near. Scott, I thought to myself. I turned my head and realized I was right. How did I know that? He approached me quietly, laying on the ground beside me and looking up. I brought my attention back to the stars.

"Are you feeling anything?" He whispered to me.

"Not really," I said back. I felt him nod beside me.

"Are you scared?" He asked quietly. "Because you know there's nothing to be afraid of right? And that if you do change, it doesn't mean it changes who you are."

I turned to meet his eyes as he continued in a soft voice. "Stiles. I know your mom said to never change... but I really don't think that this is what she meant. Have I changed really? Besides my athletic abilities? Nah. I'm still the same idiot. If you shift tonight, you'll still be Stiles. You'll still be you. You'll just be faster and stronger, that's all. Your character isn't going to change. I think she meant don't change who you are as a person. Don't change your outlook on life. Not that you shouldn't grow and transform. You'll always be our Stiles, and we all love you." He took my hand and gave it a squeeze, knowing what he had said would hit me hard.

My heart fluttered in my chest at his words. Of course he was right. That's exactly what she meant, I had it all wrong. I felt a painful wave of relief. I looked at my brother with love and squeezed his hand in mine.

"Thank you Scott," I said with feeling, "I really needed to hear that." He nodded and smiled. I scooted closer so that our arms were touching and we continued to hold hands, watching the stars above us. "I don't know what I'd do without my resident idiot," I said with a wink in his direction.

It was 11:30 at night when something felt different. My hand twitched in Scott's, and he glanced at me sharply as I sat up.

"Stiles?" He asked cautiously.

My fingers felt like they were on fire. Literally on fire. I stumbled to my feet and howled in pain. I watched as sharp black claws sliced through the end of each of my fingers, blood streaming down my arms. The claws themselves were smaller than I expected, but jet black and extremely sharp. I screamed as another pain started in my ears. Holy hell. I felt them elongating and couldn't keep the next scream inside as it tore its way out of my chest. My head felt like it might explode. My bloody hands flew to my face as the hair started to grow on my cheeks, a lot less painful but still an odd sensation. I felt the soft hair with my fingers and accidentally sliced my cheek, not used to the new claws yet.

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