Chapter 18: Infighting

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I rolled over in bed and knocked my alarm clock to the floor sleepily. It's a wonder I've never broken that thing. I noticed with some surprise that I've got the bed to myself this morning. That's a first. I opened my eyes wide and remembered I had a new wardrobe to try out today. I jumped out of bed excitedly and headed to the shower, scrubbing away the sweat and stress. I inhaled my moms favourite vanilla spice body wash happily. Today, is a new day.

I stood in front of my newly stocked closet with a towel around my waist as I decided what to wear. I went with the outfit that Lydia had said was 'perfect'. I pulled the clothing on and stood in front of the mirror, grinning at myself. I looked good, I decided. I made sure my hair was tousled just right and skipped down the steps. In my excitement I didn't realize that I had left a little early for school, and the parking lot was practically empty. I shrugged and got out, leaning against the Jeep and playing on my phone as I enjoyed the morning sunshine on my face.

I watched as a couple more cars pulled in, and one included Derek's Camaro. I looked at it in confusion, what on earth is he doing here? He pulled up beside me and Isaac got out, book bag in hand. Awww, he drove him to school. I thought. How cute. Isaac closed the door behind him but Derek proceeded to roll the window down. He tilted his sunglasses down and looked me up and down slowly, his mouth open as he did it. I glanced at Isaac and his mouth was literally hanging open too as he stared. I definitely need to thank Lydia. I don't think either one had looked up at my face yet. Animals.

I looked between them casually, "Can I help you fellas catch the flies you appear to be waiting for?"

They snapped their mouths shut simultaneously and blushed. I made Derek freaking Hale blush, HA! Derek cleared his throat and Isaac gulped audibly. I smirked at their speechless expressions. I decided to give them a show as I threw my bag over my shoulder and sauntered over to the front door. I could practically feel their eyes on my ass as I walked, and Isaac hadn't moved. I chuckled to myself as I went inside, son of a bitch. They were practically drooling. I smelled Isaac's scent behind me at my locker a few minutes later and I turned to face him with a blank look my face. He didn't say anything, just continued to look me up and down.

"Uhh... my face is up here," I said with amusement.

He swallowed the saliva in his mouth and finally met my eyes. "Stiles... you look fucking hot," he said huskily, "Where did you get those clothes?"

I snorted at him, "Lydia and I updated my closet," I said with a smirk.

He ran his hand up my chest, slid it up my neck and put his thumb over my bottom lip, caressing it. He brought his face down to mine slowly and licked his lips. "You better be careful walking around in clothes like that," he whispered against my lips. "I might not be able to help myself."

I bit my lip and smiled at him teasingly. The bell rang for class and I left him standing there, still dumb struck by my 'new' appearance. It's all in the sizing, I thought with satisfaction. I had my first class with Lydia, and as I sat down beside her she raised a brow at me.

"I saw the scene in the parking lot. Is there anything you'd like to say to me?" She asked innocently.

I gave her my biggest smile and said, "You, my friend are an absolute goddess."

She smiled and winked as the teacher started talking.

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I was still sitting in my car in the parking lot when the first bell shook me out of my trance. Isaac gets to spend all day looking at that? I thought angrily. Not fair. So not fair. Stiles had been wearing close to three layers of clothing, and he looked sexy as fuck. I had seen him in a towel hanging low on his hips, and the two were on the same level. His shirt had hugged every muscle on his torso perfectly, and the contrast with the leather jacket was hot. The jeans had almost made me drool, tight in all the right places, and watching him walk into the building... I had slipped down in my seat and placed my fist in my mouth. Where. The fuck. Did he get clothes like that?

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