Chapter 19: Decisions

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Derek showed up as promised, scaring the hell out of me. Again. I was still in my clothes from training, not having done much sweating due to the lack of training. Due to the idiots that were acting like children. I ignored his entrance when I recovered from the scare, turning over in my bed and putting my head in my pillow. I could still smell the forest and mint scent rolling off of him and I huffed angrily. I didn't want to see either of them. I was appalled at the way they had acted. Like, like... animals. I sighed inwardly as I realized their wolves may have had something to do with that. They felt threatened by each other and it was instinct to assert dominance. Or some crap like that.

I felt the bed move as Derek crawled in beside me. "Are you mad?" He asked quietly.

I huffed into my pillow again. "I didn't mean to make you mad," he said sadly. "But with you looking like that, and him drooling all over you... I couldn't help myself."

I scoffed at him, "You were drooling too, sour wolf."

"How could I not? Stiles... you are- that was..." he didn't finish. Just ran his hand up my back and into my hair as he played with the strands softly.

He nudged me gently and I allowed him to roll me over. He brought his face down to mine and brushed his lips against me. "Stiles Stilinski... you are absolutely incredible. And I am completely infatuated with you," he whispered against my mouth.

I sucked in a breath at his words, and his hot breath on my skin. He kissed me again, but this time I responded. I moulded my lips against his as our mouths moved together. His tongue flicked out and I parted my lips, letting him explore as he pleased. My hands were moving on their own as they slipped under his shirt and felt the hard muscles of his back. He gasped into my mouth and I swallowed it greedily. I trailed my fingers across his skin seductively and he moaned into my mouth in response. I took his lower lip between my teeth and nipped at it gently. He growled hungrily and I shivered at the sound. Every nerve in my body felt like a live wire. I rolled on top of him roughly and pinned his hands above his head. He grinned at me and I licked my lips as I went for his throat. I started at his jaw and licked down to his collar bone as low moans escaped his chest. I trailed kisses back up to his chin and nipped his ear lobe.

He gasped loudly. "Stiles- Stiles I think you should stop," he said in a strained voice.

"Why?" I asked innocently as I moved my mouth to his collar bone again and sucked at the skin there.

"Because I'm not going to be able to restrain myself if you keep it up," he growled.

"What if I don't want you to restrain yourself?" I asked huskily.

He whimpered underneath me as I licked his neck again. "I'm warning you Stiles."

I brazenly continued my kissing and licking when he decided he had had enough. He ripped his hands from my grasp and flipped us over, grinding his hips down into mine. He growled at me and extended his fangs, eyes glowing. He grazed his teeth across my throat, letting his tongue drag along the skin there. I moaned at the feeling, heat welling up in me so strong it was almost painful. Then he pulled away and rolled off me, with a smug look on his face.

"I've got to have some way to keep you interested," he said, winking at me. I groaned and rolled away from him, standing up beside the bed. I stripped down to my boxers and flopped back down onto the mattress, stuffing my face into my pillow again.

He pulled me against his chest and wrapped me up in his arms. We laid together quietly and listened to each other's heart beat. I sighed in contentment and felt my tail extend. It swished behind me lazily and tickled the skin on my back, and I felt Derek shift his weight so he could grab it. He laid it flat against the bed and stroked the soft fur, causing me to drift and close my eyes.

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