Chapter 3: The Bite

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Stiles was laying in a heap on the cold floor of the high school hallway. I was the first to break free of my statue like state as I rushed over and pulled his head into my lap. He looked so tired, so worn out. There were massive bags under his eyes. Once I had moved, everyone else slowly started to move again, looking to where our pack member was laying limp. My subconscious mind registered Allison laying on the ground down the hall, but not what it might mean. The Oni had disappeared, and I took that as a good sign. I was staring down at stiles peaceful face, which had already lost some of its paleness, and I could hear his heartbeat getting stronger. I took note of the smell of blood coming from his stomach.

"He's alive," I said for the non-wolves in the room. "His heartbeats getting stronger," I muttered as I pulled off my shirt to cover the bite that was still bleeding on his forearm.

"Do you think it's gone?" Scott asked hesitantly, eyes still locked on Stiles, not seeing anything else. I knew the feeling.

"Well, the Oni stopped fighting as soon as you bit him... and then they disappeared entirely. I would assume that means the nogitsune is no longer in Stiles." Lydia stated matter of factly, a little hope colouring her tone. She bent down to brush the hair out of Stiles face lovingly, but I was the only one that could see that expression on her face.

I looked down at the boy in my lap again, then up to my Alpha. "Scott, I think we should get him to a hospital," I held up my hand to stop his onslaught. "I know he has the bite, but he looked like death when the nogitsune was inside him, and he has a wound on his stomach. He needs the hospital. Call Mellissa." I instructed.

He looked at me curiously, but didn't argue as he pulled out his phone and dialed his moms number. I hefted Stiles in my arms and headed for my Camaro, not caring about the blood that would get on the seats. Lydia was right behind me, not willing to leave Stiles either. I gently laid him in the backseat, as Lydia slid in the other side, placing his head in her lap this time. I hid a small smile and made my way to the drivers seat, not sure if Scott would want me to wait for him or not. Just as I had the thought, he plopped himself in the passenger seat and flashed me a sad smile. We still weren't in the clear yet.

As I drove to the hospital, breaking traffic laws again, I worried over what was still to come. First, we still weren't sure if the nogitsune was gone, or what state it may have left Stiles in. Second, he had a stab wound in his stomach, and we don't know if that will heal or not, or how much damage it had already done. And lastly, the bite. We don't know if his body will take it or reject it and kill him. Plus, to top it all off, we definitely don't know how Stiles will react if/when he becomes a werewolf. I had a feeling he was going to be pissed. I wondered, not for the first time, why he was so against becoming like us. Besides the obvious risk.

"Scott... why doesn't Stiles want to be like us? Has he ever told you?" I asked quietly.

Scott was quiet, and I glanced at him to make sure he heard my question. He looked out the window as he answered me, guilt and hurt in his voice. "It's because of the last thing his mom said to him before she died," he said, barely above a whisper. "Don't ever change."

I closed my eyes for a moment in regret. Of course it was about his mom, that's why he never talked about it. I felt my chest tighten at what we had had to do, to save his life. I remembered, not for the first time, that Stiles had been through hell, watching his mother waste away like that. He was quite possibly one of the only other pack members that even remotely understood the pain I felt every day. I heard Scott dial Deaton, talking to him in a low voice and filling him in on the events of the evening.

"Deaton is on his way," Scott mumbled, as we pulled up to the back of the hospital where Mellissa was waiting with a stretcher. We were trying to make this as simple as possible and not involve anyone else. Besides, if the bite took, Stiles should start healing on his own. I nodded at Scott and opened the back door to lift Stiles out, gingerly placing him on the stretcher. Mellissa gently touched his face, a loving and motherly touch.

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