Chapter 30: Damn, grouchy werewolves

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We made it back to Beacon Hills without any issues, and our parents were none the wiser. Thank god. I so didn't want to have that conversation with my dad. Who has guns. Lots of guns. And a good backhand, which I knew from experience. We knew we weren't out of danger just yet though. Kate had taken Derek and changed him for a reason, and we still didn't know what that reason was. Or what the creature we had seen was. Or why she had let us take him without a fight. Or where she actually is. There were so many unanswered questions, and it was driving me insane. Not to mention that it was now the last week of school before Christmas break... and we had exams. So many exams. I was absolutely dreading the biology torture to come... but we have Derek back. I have Derek back. And for now, that was enough to calm my mind. A little.

Although the whole mating thing... was not leaving my brain anytime soon. That night in the hotel room had been... extreme. Hot. Literally an unimaginably high temperature. I could almost feel the heat creeping through my body at the thought. I had almost shifted I was so out of control. The fox in me desperately wanted the werewolf. My human half wasn't helpful either. But I could appreciate that I hadn't been nervous about the fact that it would have been my first time having sex with a dude. The thought didn't even cross my mind. And normally, my brain would have been screaming it at me. I was fully committed, anal virginity be damned. Maybe it's because we're meant to be mates? A weird werewolf thing? Or maybe it's just because I love him. Either way, being near him wasn't going to get any easier. Not until we had sealed the deal anyway.

I was sitting in my desk beside Scott as I mulled it all over, the English teachers voice a soft drone in the background. I noticed Scott crinkling his nose and looking at me, bringing me back to the present.

"Dude, what?!" I demanded, starting to get a little self conscious.

"Dude, you stink of arousal. Control yourself," he hissed back. I blushed a bright red. Was it that obvious?

"Damn, that's personal Scott. I guess all sense of privacy goes out the window when you're around werewolves, huh?" I asked with heavy sarcasm, definitely annoyed. But I was a little embarrassed too. Is nothing sacred?

"We're in the middle of English, and you're totally turned on, what the hell man?" He said with a small giggle, covering his mouth like a little school girl.

"I was thinking about Derek okay?!" I whispered back angrily. He rolled his eyes and looked back to the front of the room.

"Well stop it. Smelling my best friends arousal is so something I never wanted to experience," he winced. I rolled my eyes at him this time.

"Then make your nose mind it's own business!" I shot back.

"I can't help it!" He groaned, wiggling in his seat and frowning. He kept his eyes forward, so he wouldn't draw the attention of the teacher.

"Then deal with it, my boyfriend is the hottest man alive. I can't help it either!" I said smartly, wiggling my eyebrows. He just rolled his eyes, again. I don't know how they're not stuck that way. Wouldn't that be satisfying? Pay back for all of the times he had rolled his eyes at Stiles Stilinski. I would never be so lucky.

Scott had distracted me enough that the heat dissipated, and I thought I might actually be able to focus on the exam review notes on the board. I turned my attention to the front of the class, my leg bouncing and fingers drumming out a quiet beat on the desk. Every class was exam reviews, and it was a bit exhausting. Focusing was not my strong suit, but I managed it with a little difficulty. I am going to sleep like a damn baby tonight. If I don't have a visitor- I cut that thought off before it get too out of hand. By the time the last bell rang, I was sweating with the effort of concentrating on the notes, and not the Greek god I get to call my boyfriend. I was slowly making my way out to my trusty Jeep, when I smelled the familiar scent of fresh forest air and mint. I looked up to see the leather clad werewolf leaning against the drivers side of my Jeep casually. Oh lord. He's freaking sexy.

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