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He waited patiently, listening to the phone ring. It was picked up on the fifth ring and he sighed with relief.

"Hello?" A deep voice, but not John Winchester.

"I'm looking for John Winchester," Chris Argent said into the phone.

"He's dead," the voice said bluntly. Chris's heart sank to his toes at the news. "This is Dean, his son. Something I can help you with?" He asked with attitude.

"My name is Chris Argent. Do you know who I am?" He asked the other man.

"Yeah- yeah, I think dad mentioned you before. You mostly hunt werewolves right?" He asked.

Chris winced. "I did, yes."

"Did? As in past tense? If you're not a hunter then what do you need from us?" He asked in confusion.

"Well- I still do. In a way. Beacon Hills is a little complicated-," he tried to explain without saying that he now protects a pack of them.

"Look man, get to the point. Do you need our help or not?" Dean asked in an irritated tone.

Chris sighed. "Yes, I believe we do."

"Well alright then," he said a little more brightly. "Where did you say you were from again?"

"Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills, California," Chris told him, hoping to whatever god there might be that he wasn't going to regret inviting two of the fiercest hunters the world has ever seen to his little town.

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The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now