Chapter 21: That went well

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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Scott yelled. We broke apart quickly, backing away from each other, and saw Scott standing in the door with his jaw on the floor. He recovered and stared at Derek in white hot anger. He stalked forward and I tried to stop him.

"Scott- Scott just wait, I can explain," I started to say as I stepped towards him. But I didn't get to finish. Scott crouched and pounced, heading directly for Derek where he still laid on the bed.

There was the sound of more footsteps as the rest of the pack, including Isaac, appeared in the hall. Liam was in the room in an instant, eyes glowing and claws out.

"What's going on?" He demanded.

"Derek- Derek was kissing Stiles!" Scott roared as he rolled around on the bed, throwing punches at Derek and dodging as he threw one back.

"WHAT?!" Liam blasted, launching himself at Derek too. Jesus Christ.

"Guys! STOP IT!" I yelled, and was ignored as the now three bodies fought and rolled on the bed.

"STOP IT!" I yelled again. I looked at Isaac, pleading. He nodded and started towards me as we made to pull the three idiots apart.

Suddenly there was a deafening scream, a banshee scream and everyone froze. Those of us with super hearing covered our ears at the painful screech. "Why don't we take this downstairs?" Lydia suggested calmly. I looked at her gratefully and she smiled back.

The three werewolves reluctantly untangled their limbs and made their way downstairs, Scott and Liam shooting daggers at Derek the whole way. I sighed inwardly... this is going to be a joy. We all made it to the living room, Lydia, Issac, Kira and Malia sat down on the couch.  Scott and Liam stood together, seething with rage and not taking their eyes off of Derek. I stood between them defensively. Derek looked just as angry as the other two. What have I gotten myself into?

"Scott. I can explain," I started for the second time, only to be interrupted again.

"You don't need to explain anything to him, Stiles," Derek growled defensively. "It's none of his business."

"Stiles, I don't like this! Why was he kissing you?" Scott yelled at me. I ignored his comment and continued.

"First, you should know I'm bisexual. In case you didn't figure that out from-," I flailed my arms in the direction of Derek's room.

Scott's eyes widened. "Stiles... why didn't you tell me?" He asked, hurt.

"You didn't give me a chance to!" I yelled. "And I would have told you sooner, except I knew as soon I said Derek's name you would freak out!"

"You got that right," he agreed, looking at Derek angrily again. "I don't like it. He's not right for you."

I glared at him. "Enough! I'll kiss whoever I bloody well please!"

Liam growled loudly, still looking at Derek. Scott mirrored his stance and it looked like they were preparing to pounce again. Derek stood in front of me, trying to push me out of the way. I exploded and shifted into my full fox form.

"STOP IT!" I screamed. "Stop treating me like I'm some princess that needs my honour defended. I love you guys... but you're being seriously uncool right now." Liam stopped and looked at me, making sure I was okay and checking to be sure I was serious. "Liam, I'm fine." I reassured him. He visibly relaxed and backed down.

I addressed Scott this time. "Scott. You're my best friend. You should have known about all of this first. But you didn't, because I knew you couldn't trust my judgement and just listen to me. How do you think that made me feel?" I asked quietly.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now