Chapter 23: Breaking the news

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Yesterday had been a complete blur after the visit with Deaton. I felt pain at the end of the conversation, but I wasn't sure if it was my own. I couldn't tell. Maybe it was a chemosignal I had smelled. It was like my mind had been put through a blender, I couldn't form a single thought. There was so much information. Too much. Derek had elected to run home, and I let him. We shared a chaste kiss and I drove to school in a daze. I was going to have so much catching up to do this weekend... I hadn't absorbed a thing in class all week.

I pushed those thoughts from my mind. I would have to deal with all of that later. Right now, I needed to focus. Dad would be waking up soon, and this morning at breakfast, I would tell him. I would tell him I'm a werefox. I flipped the pancakes in the pan, enjoying the warm scent of cinnamon and chocolate chips wafting from the golden circles. I felt my body calm and realized why the scent was so comforting to me... it's the same scent as Scott. I smiled as I moved the bacon around, hearing my dad stir in his room upstairs. He definitely smelled the bacon. A few minutes later he had ambled down the stairs, still in his pjs. He had taken the day off today, and it was nice to see him looking so well rested. Too bad I was likely about to ruin that for him. Shut up Stiles, I said to myself.

"Morning Stiles! It's smells good down here," he commented brightly as he sat down at the table.

"You're just lucky I'm letting you eat this. Its back to fruit and yogurt tomorrow," I said sternly, waving my spatula at him.

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled as he yawned.

I placed our plates on the table, having already set out the syrup and coffee. We made small talk while we enjoyed the food, talking about things at the station and school.

"Hey, I never asked... did you get the thing between the two guys sorted?" He enquired.

I looked at him sharply, but tried to act casual. I wasn't quite ready to break the news about Derek yet. I gulped as yesterday's events came flooding back. NO, I said to myself, shoving it back down.

"Yeah, yeah I did," I answered mildly, my fingers tapping on the table.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell me who your boyfriend is?" He asked expectantly, a smile on his face.

"Uhh... maybe later, there's kind of something else I need to talk to you about first," I said nervously. My legs were bouncing under the table now.

Several minutes passed without a word as I stared at my plate. Dad finally spoke up, breaking my unintentional silence. "Stiles?"

I took a deep breath. I had thought this through. I knew what I needed to say. I wiped my hands across my face, preparing myself.

"So you remember the nogitsune?" He flinched and I took that as a yes. "Well- the only way to get it out of me... was to- change me. Scott tried everything else, I promise he did. But the only way to save my life and get rid of that thing was to change the host- me. And the only way to do that was... for- uhh. For Scott to- to- bite me." I finished lamely, squeezing my eyes shut. I kept them closed as I continued. "And at first we had no idea if it worked, but we knew the nogitsune was gone, so it had to have done something. We were waiting for the first full moon to be sure." I stopped there.

Silence. I opened my eyes, not sure if I was ready for his expression or not. Disappointment, disgust, hatred... any of the above was expected. What I hadn't expected, was the soft look he was giving me. I was completely taken aback.

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