Chapter 20- Adventure Sucks

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I awoke to the sight of crimson in my eyes. Although my vision was blurry, it was enough to scare me and make me jump. Strangely, the crimson moved back as well. Confused, I wiped my eyes. It took a second for my eyes to adjust, but once they did I realized I was staring at a rather indifferent Mary, although that wasn't particularly new.

"Young Master, it's time to get up. We have to start moving soon."

I yawned. "Oh, okay, I'll be out in a second then." I said, still wiping my eyes.

She looked at me for a moment. Then she bowed and left the tent.

Am I missing something? It looked like she wanted to say something. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I looked around my tent. Everything was as it was when I went to sleep. My bag, which housed all my clothes and snacks, were in the corner, with yesterday's clothes scrunched up next to it. To my surprise, I'm amazed I remembered to turn the lamp off. Usually at home I always fall asleep with the lights on due to exhaustion.

I stuffed everything, including the lamp, into my bag and grabbed Essentia. Then I exited the tent.

Outside, the sky was as beautiful if not more beautiful than it was yesterday. The sun radiated warmth but the cool breeze made sure I wasn't getting burnt to a crisp. Birds chirping could be heard around me and I even saw a few bunnies hopping through the grass.

"Yo Arthur!" Tucker yelled.

I looked over to him with his tent already deflated and folded up in his hands.

I waved. "Good morning" I said.

He walked over to me. "I see you're sleepin' in like always."

"Yeah I was pretty tired," I admitted.

"Same. Hearing Ol' man Regi's story put me on an emotional rollercoaster."

I looked around. "Speaking of Mr. Reginald, where is he?"

"Get this, he said he wanted to go for a jog." Tucker laughed. "As if us walking all day isn't already enough of a work out."

"Sounds like him. What about Mary?"

"Uh, I think she said she was looking for something. Although I don't know what she could be trying to find out here in the wild."

She must really want to find that flower, I thought. Just shows how much she loves her mother.

Tucker dropped the deflated tent and put his hands behind his head and started stretching. "Anyways, they said we'd leave when they get back so I guess we just wait."

"Huh, I guess I can eat then."

"Ah, yea, thanks for reminding me. I kinda forgot ta' do that too. It would suck to run out of steam in like an hour and half to take a break."

"What about Mary and Mr. Reginald? Did they eat?"

"Mmmm," Tucker said, shrugging while already stuffing his face with a handful of potato chip.

"Do they even need to eat? Pretty sure they're both just machines anyway."

"Don't say that. They're both pretty normal to me." I said.

"Seriously? Mr. Reginald destroyed your door with a punch! One freakin punch!"

"...Ahh yeah, that did kind of happen."

Please Tucker, I'm trying to forget that happened.

He threw the empty bag of potato chips back in his backpack and grabbed my shoulders. "And then there's Mary."

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