Chapter 14- Translucent

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I woke up staring at a light blue stall door. I looked under me to see that I was sitting on a toilet seat. The floor and walls around me were plastered in blue tile. I felt dazed and it took a second for me to realize what was going on.

Ah, I did go inside Essentia again, didn't I? To meet Miss Myal- I mean Miss Mya to get information. I wonder how long I was in there? The first time I went inside the blade I was out for a day. I stuck my hand in my right pocket and dug for my phone. I pulled it out and pressed the middle button, revealing the basic home screen that comes with the phone.

The time read: 4:12 pm in small bold letters.

Weird. I felt like I was at least in there for thirty minutes. But by the clock's time I was only in there about ten minutes, which is the exact opposite of how the first time went. Maybe I could ask Miss Myala about it. No, she would probably be upset that I'm interrupting her reading time. I'll question her about it later. For now I should get home.

I hopped up and walked out of the bathroom. But unlike earlier, where it was quiet, there were doctors and nurses running down the halls, dragging medical equipment with them.

What could've happened in so short of a time frame? I thought.

"What are his symptoms?" a male doctor yelled.

"He's not breathing!" a female nurse yelped.

"This doesn't make sense! The patient was stable the last few days."

"It appears a virus has entered his bloodstream. He might've been poisoned."

Another female nurse said, running as she held her clipboard to her chest.

"Tsk. This isn't good."

I watched them run until they passed Miss Amber's room and ran down the hall until they were out of sight.

Huh. That's a scene you'd expect to see from a television drama. It's weird seeing one in real life.

Well, I should get home, I thought.

I continued walking towards the elevators. Once there, I pressed the down button and to my surprise, one of the elevator doors opened almost immediately. I walked in and pressed the lobby button of the elevator.

Considering I was only on the second floor, the ride wasn't very long. I stepped out and was ready to leave but then I remembered the front desk woman. Considering the scene I made, if she saw Mary walk out alone she might interrogate me. I would like to avoid that if possible.

I peaked over the corner to see that she was missing from her chair, which gave me the okay to leave. Outside, it was just as busy as before, with everyone going every which way.

Usually Tucker and I get lost and wander the city trying to get home, mostly because he's too stingy to ask for directions. But since he wasn't here I would just use my phone's GPS to find the way home.

It didn't take long to get home after putting in the address. I had to come up with a convenient lie for Chuck as he's not dumb enough to ignore the fact that Tucker wasn't with me anymore. Once I told him we got separated because he went chasing after a cute girl, he sighed and let me through.

Eventually, after a few more minutes of walking, I arrived at the front door of the mansion. Surprisingly, no one was working out on the front lawn. As big as it is, it usually takes hours to complete and I don't think we were gone that long. Well, they're probably too busy training the new recruits.

I opened the door and was greeted by an unfamiliar voice near the entrance.

"Welcome home, Young Master."

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