Chapter 1

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It was a sunny morning .The beauty and the positivity of the day were evident when the warm and soothing rays of the sun seeped through the white under-curtains in the cosy and comfortable bedroom of Mr. and Mr. Lightwood-Bane.

The bedroom decor portrayed containment and a pleasureful satisfaction.The bed was honoured to witness the purity of love between the shadowhunter and the old warlock.

The silence was then broken by the sound of rustling sheets as the older man woke up first. He saw the young shadowhunter in deep sleep with his soft snores playing like a rhythmic harp. Those sounds were the most beautiful music to listen by the warlock .

Magnus stroked the cheeks of the young shadowhunter. Alec actually looks like a baby angel when he is asleep which is in complete contrast to the fierce demon-hunter image of him when he is awake. But his Alexander has a soft ,beautiful and an unadulterated heart angelic body housing an angelic heart. At moments like this , Magnus realizes that he is the luckiest man alive as he got this beautiful angel to be called as his HUSBAND gold , no silver ,no diamond,no platinum can be more valued and treasured than his marriage to this shadowhunter.

All these 800 years of unsatisfied and empty living , are now made worthy ,as the universe has blessed Magnus with Alexander Gideon Lightwood , a beautiful creation of the God himself . Yes, Magnus Bane now has a Boon where he is ruling the beautiful heart of the adorable Lightwood first born.

Magnus wants this peaceful moment with his husband to last forever.He wants himself to be locked up with his nephilim for the eternity . He desires the clock to stop ticking time. He wants to wake up and sleep back to his Alexander till the end of creation.

But after going through all the magic books and spells known to the High Warlock ,he still could not find a way to make his Alexander IMMORTAL like himself. Yet he is DETERMINED to find a way . He will not let the universe to take back his hard -found soulmate from him.

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