Chapter 9 : The Reunion

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Magnus was sitting beside Alec on the bed . Alec was sleeping peacefully . As usual he was looking beautiful. Magnus held Alec's hand in his and his other hand was stroking Alec's raven black hair gently.

In the living room ...

Jace was sitting on the couch clutching his Parabatai rune . The faint scar was now red with rune gradually becoming more and more dark with passing time. He could feel Alec again . Few minutes back he felt that Alec was in some deep pain but now he could feel that Alec was in peace .

Catarina, Clary and Isabelle were looking at Jace as he was stroking his parabati rune gently . Jace looked back at them and said in a reassuring voice ..." He is back ...he came back ."

After may be twenty hours Isabelle said her first word .." I want to see him " and went straight to the bedroom door. She opened the door without knocking .

She entered the room and saw Alec was peacefully sleeping . Yes sleeping ..his chest was rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern . Magnus was sitting by his side stroking his raven black hair.

Isabelle came near Magnus and took him into the embrace of her long arms. Magnus was a little surprized with the arms but when he realised it was Isabelle
Magnus hugged her back .

Isabelle started to cry . A long overdue one . The emotions which she held up inside her for the last twenty hours. Magnus did not stop her crying . He understood that the held up emotions should flow for good. It would be good for Izzy .

After 10 minutes of good crying which Magnus did not interrupt except softy patting her back , Isabelle pulled away gently from Magnus . She held Magnus' hand and could utter "Thank You , you brought my Alec and your Alexander back....Thank you so much." Now she looked at Alec . Then she stood up and told Magnus ..."We all are waiting in living room..please let us know when he wakes up."
Magnus nodded.

Magnus could hear Isabelle's clicking heels as she went towards the living room .

Magnus looked at Alec and said " You actually gave many rough hours to us Alec....I am just waiting for you to wake up ..then first I will spunk up your ass for dying and planning to leave me forever . Now we have an eternity and I will take revenge for every hour you made me cry ..."

" Won't spunking up my ass be enough? ...I would rather suggest you to do something interesting with my ass."

Magnus was dying to hear that voice . He looked and saw Alec was blinking his eyes and smiling at him . Magnus could not contain himself any more . He plunged himself on Alec's chest with teary eyes . He kissed his forehead , his cheeks ,his nose and finally his lips. Alec was completely drowned in a sudden flood of kisses. He then said in a whisper ..." Let me breathe ..."

Magnus chuckled and pulled himself back. Then he smacked on Alec's arms . Alec said rubbing his arm " Ouch !! hurts" . Alec got up and sat with his back upright while Magnus helped him with the pillows .

Alec said , "Now you have the eternity for smacking take it slow."

Magnus looked at Alec and said " How do you know that you have become immortal ...?

Alec: " I don' t know you just told me . Is it true ?"

Magnus filled Alexander with all the details that happened when he was 'dead'. He told him about going to Hell , about Asmodeus ,about bringing him back and making him immortal .

Alec looked at Magnus with love-filled eyes and said " You went to the Hell ...that to your dreaded Father ....just for me .."
Magnus with tears in his eyes said , " You worth it Alexander... you worth a hundred journeys to Hell".

There were tears in Alec's eyes and he crashed his lips with Magnus'. Magnus kissed him back ...probably it was their way of Thanking and welcoming each other.

To be continued ..............

#thank u for taking out your precious time and reading this#

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