Chapter 20: Blueberry Sandwiches

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The mornings of Lightwood-Bane residence were no more silent for next days. The beautiful sounds of birds chirping and singing were now replaced with the sounds of retchings and dry heavings. But for Magnus these were more beautiful sounds than the singing of the birds . These sounds reminded him of the new life that was growing .

Magnus was a sterile warlock . For centuries, he believed that he could never see anyone who would inherit his traits, his skin colour , his eyes or may be his warlock marks.

For centuries, he loved many , lost many , many hated him, many loved him but he never got anyone like Alec before and now he was going to have Blueberry.....his little miracle Blueberry.

One month into the pregnancy....

Alec was sitting on the bed panting heavily from today's round of retchings in the bathroom. Though the difficulties of emptying one's gut out was there but a new development was ....whenever Alec ran to the bathroom and heaved involuntarily ,along with Magnus , Alec felt the presence of a soothing red-yellow magic which tried to comfort him like Magnus. Magnus had also felt that his Blueberry who made its presence visible through the red-yellow radiation gradually swirls around Alec while he carried on with his daily round of morning retchings. Blueberry tried to soothe the difficulties of its Daddy for carrying it . Magnus' heart warmed with this. Magnus felt that how wrong he was in calling his precious baby ....a demon.

Magnus : " Take this will feel better."

Magnus said handing a cup of hot beverage to Alec.

Alec took it and mumbled a thank you.

Alec took a sip of the liquid and revelled in its heat to calm his nerves and senses.

Alec: " What is this? "

Magnus: " Few days back I asked Catarina about something that can soothe you during your morning sickness. She went through spell books and sent me this recipe yesterday ....."

Alec felt his heart warming up . Magnus always found a way to make him fall in love with him again and again no matter what the situation was.

Alec looked at Magnus for few seconds .Magnus asked " Angel ....what is it? "

Alexander came out of his trance and said..." I really want to kiss you but because I was vomiting my gut out a few minutes back ...I cannot do that."

Magnus leant towards Alec smiling and said " Oh you stupid Nephilim are beautiful to me in all state .. "

Magnus kissed Alec softly . Alec quickly kept the cup on the nightstand and gave in into the kiss.

Alec's and Magnus' kisses were not alone anymore ...whenever they kissed or made any intimate loving gesture ...they felt a soothing and warm red-yellow radiance emanated from Alec's belly and swirled around both of them . This magic made its presence visible. The magic wanted to be part of the divine love of its parents.

Magnus smiled within the kiss and said .." Our Blueberry wants to be a part of this ..."

Alec smiled too and said , " My Blueberry ....loves its parents .

Magnus felt a jerking pull by the magic towards Alec . He came closer and closer to Alec if that was even possible . Magnus pulled out of the kiss and looked at Alec smiling.

Alec said" I think our little Blueberry wants to hug you".

Magnus chuckles .

Magnus knelt down on the floor while Alec was still sitting on the bed . Magnus kissed Alec's stomach which had swollen a little but mostly invisible within the covers of his clothes.

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