Chapter 2:The Permission

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Alec in a hoarse and sleepy voice:
" What are you looking at Magnus?As much as I love you looking at me but right now you are scaring me with your unblinking stare ....What is it ?"

Magnus in a deep sexy voice:
" Nothing I am just admiring your beauty dear Husband".

Alec:" for how long the High Warlock is honouring me by admiring my beauty?"

Magnus: " Don't know ...but... I want to admire this beauty before my eyes.... forever."

Having said this ,Magnus held the shadowhunter's hand and took it close to his chest and said , "Alexander,I wanted to ask you something .Without your permission I cannot move ahead in my endevour.Alexander....all these hundreds of years of my life were meaningless without you. Now that I have you by my side I ...I don't want to lose you .I want to stay with you ...Forever .I want to spend an eternity with you . I admit that right now I don't have any way to make you immortal but if I got the way which I am utterly determined to find ...Would you choose to spend an eternity with me knowing that you would see your family die."

Alec listened to each and every word pouring out of Magnus' lips. Being sensitive he understood that Magnus prioritised his choice .This small gesture of honouring Alec's desire made him to fall in love with Magnus again.

Without any warning ,Alec's lips crashed with that of Magnus. Though unprepared at first ,Magnus welcomed the kiss from his husband which was not passionate and full of lust but pure and full of love and devotion,...devotion that a husband can muster for his spouse.

They pulled away for the obvious need of air. The couple took a minute to savour the lovely moment then...

Alec in a low voice :" You know Magnus are the best thing that happened to me ....I have not lived for as many years it is for you... but before meeting you.... my life was empty. You made me complete. I thought ...that I.... I would not get what I want . Then one day You came along ...and ....and showed me the true meaning of love . Magnus are the reason of my happiness. I would always choose you Magnus ....You are my world Magnus . I want to be IMMORTAL and spend the eternity with you ..Magnus. I do ".

Magnus had tears in his eyes and could not utter a single word . He was overwhelmed with Alec's confession and said a " Thank You " squeezing his shadowhunter's hand over his chest and bring it to his lips and kiss it.

Snapping them out of their reverie , Alec's phone rang from the nightstand.. startling Chairman Meow who was sleeping comfortably on Alec's pillow towards his head and enjoying the comfort of Alec's mop of raven hair ...oblivious to the serious moment that it's owners just shared.

Chairman jumped and perched itself royally on Alec's stomach so that he could be petted and compensated for the unwanted disturbance from Alec's phone.

Magnus chukled a little on his cat's antics and his heart warmed on the fact that Chairman has become so close to Alec as if it was waiting all it's life to meet Alec like Magnus himself.

Alec scratched chaiman's ears with one hand and picked the phone up with the other.

Alec on phone : " Hey Jace ...what's up ?"

Jace from opposite side in worried voice : " Hey buddy ...sorry to disturb you so early but there is an emergency at the institute ...need you to come here asap".

Alec reflecting the tension in his voice : " Okay ...give me ten minutes and I will be there".

From the conversation ,Magnus could anticipate that Alec needs to go the institute immediately.

Alec looked at Magnus apologetically ....

Magnus: " Go Shadowhunter your job ....I am not going anywhere".

#Feel free to praise and criticise. Reader's comments are warmly welcome#

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