Chapter 14: The Symptoms : part 2

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Magnus woke up with the sounds of dry heaving coming from the bathroom . He did not know for how long he was out but when he saw that the sunlight outside has got dim he was sure that its about sunset and he apparently slept the whole day .

Magnus stood up hurriedly and went running to the bathroom only to see Alec retching saliva and nothing else on the toilet bowl.

Habitually Magnus started to rub Alec's back gently and say sweet nothings into Alec's ears. When he saw Alec was done , he gripped Alec and stood him up with himself .

Alec was clutching his temple and putting his pressure on Magnus .Magnus quickly understood that Alec was having difficulty in standing on his own . He flushed the toilet with one hand and brought Alec to the wash basin . Now Alec would not be able to brush his teeth . Magnus handed some mouth wash to Alec which Alec took with shaky hands and somehow managed to rinse his mouth off . Magnus took a towel and wiped Alec's face . He brought Alec slowly to the bed and sat him there.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a cup of hot beverage appeared on the nightstand . He took it and directed at Alec who was still clutching his temple.
" What is it?" said Alec in dry voice trying to catch his breath.

" Just some drink to sooth your stomach....Catarina told me the recipe many centuries back. Drink up will feel better. " said Magnus softly.

Alec took the cup in his shaky hands and had the first sip
"....It doesn't taste good" grimaced Alec.

"Yah ...I know...but it will make you better ..tried and tasted." Magnus said convincingly .

"Alexander .... have these kinds of stomach illness happened to you before? " asked Magnus.

"No...I have never puked ever in my life not even when I was small. My mother used to say that I am the most healthy out of all three kids she had." said Alec .

"Okay ...then it is not normal for you...and also shadowhunters don't fall ill too...right?" asked Magnus again.

"Yes are right our organs don't torture us so much untill we age out ...and die of a heart attack or stroke or haemorrhage and organ failures , anything like that " said Alec taking few more sips of the drink in between .

"Yes...that is no more a case for you are IMMORTAL for a reason " said Magnus turning his marriage ring on his finger thoughtfully.

"What exactly is triggering your urge to vomit ?" asked Magnus casually.

"Okay ...To be honest ...the first time your sandalwood shampoo... when you were leaning on my shoulders and second time the fresh roses on the vase on the nightstand ." said Alec pointing at the vase full of roses on their nightstand .

Magnus looked at the fresh roses which he normally keeps on the nightstand for centuries . The sweet smell makes Magnus to relax while sleeping . But these were no new to Alec .Alec had always made a point of saying that he loved the sandalwood shampoo even he also used that regularly . The roses always stayed there and Alec never showed his discomfort towards them before.

" Have you ever felt the same way towards these two smell before ? " asked Magnus hesitatingly.

"No ...of course not ...they were my favourites know that ..." said Alec finishing his cup of drink.

"Okay ...I think its not something serious it will pass away in few days " said Magnus reassuringly and taking the cup away.

While between the conversation Magnus did not fail to observe that Chairman was looking at Alec from a distance . It did not make any effort to come close to him which was in stark contrast to it's natural behaviour where no matter what it would not leave an opportunity to roll on Alec's lap or appreciate Alec ,scratching his ears or rubbing it's furry belly.

But this time it seemed to Magnus that Chairman was keeping it's distance from Alec for it's own good, a feline instinct which Magnus knew  well where the animal keeps itself away from something which it considers abnormal or dangerous.

But why this sudden change in the cat that too towards Alec whom probably the cat loved more than it's own owner Magnus.

" Are you feeling better ? " asked Magnus to Alec . Alec looked at Magnus and tried to smile and said " Yes ...I am feeling a little good now . Your drink worked probably ...Thanks ."

" Always at your service Mr. Lightwood-Bane" said Magnus kissing Alec's cheeks.

"Okay I will make you sandwiches ...because you have nothing in your stomach right now and you need to eat ...I can't see the bags under your eyes ....Alexander" said Magnus.

Magnus stood up to go to the kitchen for making sandwiches...only to be pulled back by Alec.

Magnus looked back at Alec and saw an Alec with pleading eyes " Don't go ....stay here have magic for that".
Magnus smiled and sat beside Alec . He snapped his fingers and two plates of sandwiches appeared on their laps.
Alec got his favourite sandwich with mixed fruit jam and mayonese whereas Magnus got his favourite of peanut butter and blueberry jam spread on his sandwiches.

Magnus took his plate and said " Dig in ..Darling " to his sweet Angel.

Alec looked at his plate. He took the plate in his hands. He looked at the plate of Magnus for a few seconds .

Magnus was observing these with the side of his eyes .

Then Alec said " Can I have those ? " pointing at the sandwiches on Magnus' plate.

Magnus was shocked. Not because Alec wanted to eat Magnus' sandwiches which he would gladly give to Alec anyways but of an incident that came into his mind .


" MAGNUS ....WHAT HAVE YOU PUT IN MY SANDWICH " asked Alexander with a shocked and irritated voice .

" You know I hate a very few things in this world that includes umbrella and blueberry jam." said Alexander.

Alec : " I hate Blueberry jam as much as I love you. I hate blueberry jam as much as I love Izzy . I hate blueberry jam as strong is the bond between me and my Parabatai. I hate blueberry jam as much as I trained to be the best archer ...I hate blueberry much as I ...."

Magnus : " Okay ....I completely understood how much you hate blueberry jam and I won't put that thing on your sandwich as long as I live , as long as you live."


Magnus : " Yah ..yah...As much as you love me."

End of Flashback

Magnus looking shocked at Alexander " Are you sure you want my sandwiches has Blueberry jam and peanut butter ..Both of which you made very clear that you dislike ?"

Alec blushing :" Yes...I know I hate Blueberry Jam ..but right now I like really really want them ...please ..can we exchange our plates."

Magnus : " Sure .....have them"

Alec took the plate with grabby hands and started eating the sandwiches which he once hated as much as he loved Magnus.

Alec finished his plate of sandwiches in seconds and then looked at Magnus saying " Can I have one more of your Blueberry jam sandwiches....they are delicious."

Magnus though snapped his fingers for summoning another plate but now his shock is converting gradually into horror as his Alexander was doing somethings which are noway Alexander type.

He looked at Alec who was eating sandwiches having blueberry jam spread on them with so much eagerness as if he could kill for bluberry jam .

Magnus was watching his Alexander and again words of Asmodeus going on in loop in his brain ....

" Take good care of my other boy Magnus ...after his immortality he is now as precious to me as you are . The immortality is not the only miracle that has happened to him ...there are many miracles coming his way ."

To be continued .....

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