Chapter 6: Determined Magnus

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Magnus' portal opened just in front of the New York Institute's gate . Magnus could see Clary with red puffy eyes waiting at the door to escort him . 

Magnus went near Clary as she descended the stairs . Magnus could see the shakiness in her body which she deliberately wanted to hide.

Magnus in a restless voice " What is it ,Clary . You said its about Alec .. where is he is he ? Is he alright ? "

Clary in a voice which was just more than a whisper "Come with me ...Magnus"

Magnus followed her without any word . Clary showed the way to the institute's infirmary . Magnus thought then that Alec must be injured. Then why the hell Clary was moving so slow ? She must be  racing through the corridor and that too Magnus should do the same . Suddenly Magnus felt a sudden anger for Clary in his stomach . He said " Clary we must be running now ...if Alexander is injured ,wasting even a single minute could be fatally dangerous ." Clary did not say a word . The tapping sound of her shoes could only be heard through the corridors of the old institute.

Soon Magnus could see the door to the infirmary . The journey which was seemingly unending came to an end finally . Magnus could not hold himself any further . He raced towards the door moving past Clary . Clary as asual did not make any effort to stop him either.

Magnus entered the door. The infirmary was empty . But when Magnus moved his eyes around, he found a bed covered from all sides by people....familiar people. He gradually moved to the bed . His feet told him that he should be moving towards that bed . As he moved he could recognize the persons around the bed . The long black hair who is sitting unmovingly on the nearby bed was no other than Isabelle. Holding the foot-board  of the bed was Jace Herondale . The blonde was looking paler than usual. Magnus moved towards the bed ....When he looked at the bed...

Magnus : " Alexander ....."

Magnus looked at Alexander . His complexion was pale . His red lips are now chappy ...lifeless. He looked so peaceful as if he was in deep sleep like today's morning . Then Magnus saw a trail of blood from the two sides of his lips. Magnus' eyes moved gradually down through Alexander's body. There was a big open wound right through the chest where the heart must be punctured .He could remember the sudden  pain he felt at his chest a few minutes back in his loft . His eyes trailed beyond....a wound of equal size as above ,in the stomach. He again could correlate the jolt of pain at his stomach when the wine glass fell from his hand in the loft. Magnus did not stop there as his eyes moved further down ...a larger wound in the lower abdomen of  his Alexander ....he then remembered the pain that he felt in his lower abdomen at the kitchen counter in his loft .The universe was making him to feel the pain of his soulmate.

Then Magnus' eyes went back to the chest once more .....and ....and it was not moving up and down not even a faint .

Magnus' heart and mind came at a conflict . Probably his mind knew the reality but the heart rebelled against the mind . It is too adamant to accept the reality . He went past everyone . At this point Magnus did not know who were around him . He went straight to his Alexander. He would touch Alexander's forehead and kiss him on his cheeks thats how he makes Alexander awake when he would not get up on his own in the mornings . His Alexander is sensitive to his
touches . No matter however deep he is in his sleep he would always wake up to his husband's touches and kisses.

Magnus came closest to Alexander, he held his hands ...they were cold ....very very cold. Magnus gasped .

Is this the day which he dreaded so badly ?Is this the fateful day which he always wanted to push further and further in the long tunnel of time? Is the Universe really so cruel that it took his precious Alexander away from him ? Would now Magnus have to live for the eternity like a corpse when his soul has already left him to suffer alone in this saddist world?

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