Chapter 21: Can't hide anymore : Part 1

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There were sounds of siren and red alert beams going everywhere in the institute. The shadowhunters both veterans and trainees were running helter-skelter all around the corridors. There was an attack in the centre of the New York city. Radars were showing presence of at least two Greater demons. Jace was standing before the monitor which was tracing the location of the demon.

Alec could hear the siren going in rhythm from his office. He came out of the office hurriedly and went to the ops centre.

"What is it ....Jace?" asked Alec.

Jace in a hurried tone :" Greater demon ...more than one....centre of the city....hundreds of dead in a minute."

Izzy and Clary entered the ops centre.

Izzy: " Our team needs to go ....we need the best team to work for this crisis. It cannot be tackled by other teams."

Clary : ' I am going to get the weapons ...'

Jace: " Alec... go change into your hunting gear ...we need you for this mission."

Alec raised his brow. He did not see this situation coming.

Alec : " Yah...there are two greater demons ....yes...cannot be tackled by other teams....okay ....okay ...lets ..lets go".

Jace looked at Alec surprisingly and said, "why are you hesistating ...Alec?"

Alec : " No am not hesitating...I am going to change all get ready."

Jace listened to Alec and could feel through his Parabatai bond that Alec was worried and nervous. Why a fierce shadowhunter like Alec would be nervous for going on a mission .Alec always jumped into missions. But Jace decided to keep his worry to himself this is probably not the time to discuss personal feelings.

Soon Alec came out in his gear with bow in his hand and quiver strung on his back.

Alec quickly texted Magnus ....

Alec: Need to go on an urgent mission. Can't avoid this time. Near the centre of the city.

Magnus read the message immediately . Magnus thought that he should be with Alec now. He finished his work with his client quickly telling him that he remembered some urgent work and started a portal to be at the centre of the city.

Jace ,Clary,Izzy and Alec came to the area of the demon attack .There were bodies everywhere. Hundreds were dead. They were looking on all four directions to see the demons. Soon two tentacles came out of nowhere and swirled around Izzy. She used her whip as a dagger and plunged it straight into the tentacles. The demon screeched in pain.

Alec aimed his arrows to the demon and set three arrows quickly in motion one after the other towards the demon. The demon changed into ashes immediately.

Izzy was released . She came to Alec running and said " Thank you."

Soon two tentacles came swirling around Alec ....Izzy severed them immediately with her seraph blade. Both Alec and Izzy turned towards the source of the tentacle.

Two Greater demons Abbadon and Agramon were standing before them . Jace and Clary who finished killing the remaining lesser demons came running towards Alec and Izzy.

In the meantime Magnus came out of the portal and came running to the group of shadowhunters . He came and stood beside Alec.

Alec: " Didn't expect you to come."
Magnus:" Can't leave you two like this...."

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