Chapter 15: Something or Someone

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The shock of Blueberry jam was not the only surprise which Alec had kept in store for Magnus ,there were many more to come .

At dinner, Alec asked for the Indonesian Bean Pickle which has it's own history with Alec .


"Whad ..mmm. .dar...mmm..ju..ting" said Alec with a mouth full of the delicious Indonesian dinner which Magnus has prepared so lovingly for his newly-wed husband.

Though the words were not clear yet Magnus could understand what Alec asked was this--- "What are you eating?"

Magnus said pointing at his plate "This ...well... this is a traditional Indonesian Bean pickle."

Alec: " Why didn' t you give me some ?"

Magnus : " Alexander ...its very very spicy ...I don't want you to choke on it .'

Alec:" Give me some .. I want to try.."

Magnus: " Okay ...if you insist but I already warned you ...."

Magnus gave a spoon full of the pickle on Alec's plate.

Alec took a bite of the pickle and immediately started to cough non stop .

Magnus quickly picked up the glass full of water and made Alec gulp a mouthful of it .

Alec stuck out his tongue fanning it vigorously with one hand and said " Oh God ....its really hot and spicy ..."

Magnus stroking the back of Alec's head and with sorry eyes said " I told you ."

End of Flashback

"Are you want the Bean pickle " said Magnus with concerned eyes.

Alec said " Yah I remember the last time but I really really want them now..please ...."

Magnus said " Okay... have them."

Alec took the jar of the Bean Pickle and started eating them with a spoon . Soon the plate of his favourite pasta in dinner before him was forgotten completely and the jar of the pickle was horridly half- empty.

Magnus mentally noted it down and he realised that things are getting serious now. These cannot be just whims . There has to be a reason behind Alec's strange cravings , Alec's sudden increase in skills , Chairman's strange behaviour around Alec which still needed another incident to confirm (that Magnus plans to test tonight).

After the strange dinner of half of a jar of spicy pickle ,Alec declared he was full. Magnus sighed with concern but did not say anything . He needs to be confirmed himself first .

Magnus offered to do the dishes and Alec accepted without arguing as after all the activities of vomiting and feeling dizzy throught out the day which was supposed to be a day-off and of enjoyment , he was feeling tired .

He slumped on the sofa with his head resting on the sofa-back .

Magnus used his magic to finish the dishes . He came to the living room and saw Alec resting on the couch with his eyes closed. He made two glasses of wine appear on the centre table with his magic and went straight to sit beside Alec .

Magnus took the glasses in his hands and offered one glass to Alec saying " Tired?"

Alec took the glass and said " Yes ...a little" along with a " Thank you."

Magnus took a sip and saw Chairman was sitting on the opposite side of the sofa making no effort to come to Alec.

At times like these.. when Alec would be alone resting, the cat would try to make itself useful by jumping on Alec's lap, for a mutual benefit of both of them i.e a stress burster for Alec as it would offer its furry belly to Alec to rub... and a massage and pampering time for the kitty which Alec would do happily.

But now it is suspiciously eyeing Alec for some strange reasons . Did the cat see the same strangeness in Alec's behaviour which Magnus was listing down mentally and waiting for a foolproof confirmation?

Alec moved the glass up to his lips to take a sip he touched the glass to his lips suddenly his whole body glowed ...Magnus turned immediately and saw Alec's whole body was glowing in reddish-yellow radiation and the glass with wine shattered into fine powder which were now scattered on Alec's lap and also on the ground.

Alec looked surprised at his hand . He could not realise that his whole body was glowing like a smoldering hot iron.

Then in nervous voice Alec asked Magnus " Did you do something with your magic the glass got shattered ? "

Magnus who was equally shocked could not utter a word . His concern was shown as visible droplets of sweat on his forehead.
His doubts about Alec's condition was building up more and more with time.

With great difficulty Magnus composed himself . He said , " No I did not do anything ...probably after the IMMORTALITY your powers increased and your grip on the glass was more. ...Here drink from my glass and from my hand ."

Alec smiled at his husband's little lovely gesture and said " sure ..I would love it .."

Alec leaned forward to take a sip from Magnus' glass as he was holding the glass . As the glass was touched to his lips, Alec's body glowed again and the wine glass was shattered to powder in Magnus' hand and this time spreading on Magnus' clothes.

Magnus and Alec both were shocked . Alec looked at Magnus and said " What is happening ? "
Magnus equally puzzled said " I don't know.."

"Some force in your body is resisting the wine or ....." said Magnus thoughtfully . Something struck his mind this time. He snapped his finger and a small glass of Tequilla shot appeared in his hands .

He looked at Alec and said "Try this .....from my hands".

Alec looked at Magnus and soon understood that Magnus was trying to reach at conclusions.

Alec did not argue and leaned forward to take a sip . This time Alec's body glowed with twice the intensity as before and the glass shattered and had the similar fate. Also Chairman who was so far trying to keep it's composure lost it this time . It yowled its lungs out and ran towards the bedroom for its dear life.

Both Alec and Magnus shared a look . Then Magnus was the first one who broke the silence saying " Some power in your body is resisting you to take alchohol. Did you feel something when the glass broke? "

Alec looked at Magnus for some time .

" Actually I sensed a strange feeling in my lower belly ." said Alec gently rubbing his belly with one hand.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " It could be that you have an upset stomach and your body knows that the alchohol would not be good and so it resisted the alchohol. Probably ,this strange power to detect what is good for your health came as perks of your immortality."

Alec: " Yah... you could be right ..but you are also immortal and you don't have this power."

Magnus:" I got my immortality by birth but you are made immortal by my father whose magic is unique . So may be you got some special powers like these too. "

Alec nodded his head unmindfully still in a trance. The strange sensation in his belly was different if it was not something rather someone.

To be continued.........

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