Chapter 4:He is dead

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Alec , Izzy ,Jace , Clary reached the area of the attack. It was a sad vision .There were bodies everywhere . Neither the death discriminated between shadowhunters, mundanes, vampires nor the demons.

Alec , Jace , Izzy , Clary were in a combat formation where they had their backs to each other and could take attacks from all possible directions.

Alec with his bow and arrow positioned in his hand looking around him questioned ..." Where is the Demon ? "

Suddenly there was a loud grumbling sound .Alec looked to his right there was a demon .He aimed his arrows..the first struck the demon in its stomach enough to make the demon incapable of further attack ..the next arrow struck the demon right in the chest sending it to it's home dimension.

Jace had two demons before him , he took care of one and shouted to Alec to take down the second one with his arrow.

Jace ran towards the demon with his blades ..with the tentacles of the demon flying everywhere it became a difficult task for Jace for dodging the tentacles and attacking the demon at the same time .

In the meantime, Alec with two arrows took down the other demon within minutes. Now taking out a seraph blade from his thigh holster he plunged on the tentacles of the demon attacking Jace ...within minutes the two Parabatai managed to turn the demon into ashes.

Alec gave a fist-punch to his brother and looked around to find Izzy and Clary who were fighting a fierce looking demon but they don't need help... their fighting skills were so polished and beautiful that are a vision. Alec and Jace were enjoying the demon fighting of the ladies as they crashed the demon to nothingness and shake their hands off dust and ashes making Jace and Alec proud .

They came to Alec and Jace . All of them were looking around alert . They could not accept that all the demons are being tackled SO EASILY and such a serious emergency could be solved in so less a time.

As they were satisfied that there were no demon left , Izzy came to Alec and said " Hey bro ...are you okay ? " Alec patted Izzy's shoulder and said " Yes ...I am good ."

Jace moved to Clary to check if she is alright or needed an iratze.

Izzy to Alec: " Alec ..I wanted to apologise that for the last two days I stopped you from going to missions ...its that I had a bad dream where you were badly injured and I got really scared for you .I thought that if you would stay indoors you would not get injured and remain protected . ..Please don't be mad at me cannot be mad at me for worring for you...right ?

Alec : " Its okay Iz....Aaaaaaaahhhh......"

Suddenly a splash of blood was splattered all over Izzy's face as her eyes went wide with shock and every nerve in her body started to fall apart in pain as she see two tentacles coming out through the chest and stomach of her brother before her eyes.

A sharp sudden pain went through Jace's body and he clutched his Parabatai rune. Clary who was standing facing Jace could see the pain on Jace's face and his hand on his Parabatai rune . Without much a thought both them turned towards Alec who was at a distance towards their back .

Watching the scene before their eyes ...Clary wide eyed could only utter ..." Oh no .....oh by the angel ...Nooooo".

There was the Greater Demon before their eyes .This was the Demon Agamon who could only be loosened by a powerful force of the Hell.

Clary whispered with wide eyes ..." Demon Agamon". But Jace's eyes were on his parabati . Two poisonous tentacles of the demon pierced through his chest dangerously near the heart and stomach of Alec . Jace pushed his shock stricken legs and pain stricken body forward with the seraph blades ablaze in his hands towards the demon ...with one stroke he severed the the tentacle that was on Alec's chest from the demon's body ...the demon screeched in pain ...and as if in a move to take revenge ..the demon stabbed another tentacle on Alec's lower abdomen.

Alec clutched his stomach shouted in pain " .....Aaahhhhhh........Mag......Magn......."

Jace quickly severed the other two tentacles to at least relieve his brother from the stabbing pain a little.

Alec could not stand anymore ...his legs gave-in . He fell on the ground on his back clutching his chest and abdomen.

Izzy pulled herself out of her trance of shock and mustered all nerves in her body and ran towards her brother ..she sat down beside Alec ...tears rolling down her cheeks ...gathered her brother's head on her lap ....crying and searching frantically for her stele.

Jace shouted for Clary .Clary who already concentrated hard came out with a rune to kill the demon ...her gifted-power came as handy ...Clary went running with her stele propped up in her hand . She plunged towards the demon who was too distracted by the severing blows from Jace on its tentacles that it could not see Clary coming and in a flick of a second Clary drew the rune on the demon and immediately it dissipated into ashes and went to its dimension .

Jace and Clary turned to go to Alec who was lying on the ground with his head on Izzy's lap. Alec was coughing up thick red blood which could only mean that his heart was punctured by the poisoned tentacles of the Greater Demon .

Alec was desperately struggling to take air into his lungs..but in the process more blood were oozing out of his mouth.

Jace sat beside Alec taking one of Alec's hands in his. It was painful for him to see Alec's condition. Clary sat beside Jace ...shock and pain clearly displaying in her eyes.

Jace with tears in his eyes : "Alec .....Alec.....stay with me please Alec....please....keep your eyes open"

Izzy in teary voice :" Iratzes are not working...he must be heavily poisoned".

Alec coughing ...said slowly ..." T...tell...... Ma.....Mag....*gasping for breath * Magnus that .....*with uneven breathing *....I ....will him......*gasping*....forever."

More blood came from Alec's mouth and drenched Jace's hands into thick red as Jace was caressing his brother's cheeks in his failed attempt to comfort him.

With this ..... he exhaled a long breathe and did not inhale any more.

His lifeless body lay there getting cold and colder every minute.

There were 2 seconds of silence as Alec stopped talking as if his friends were waiting for him to continue ...but he probably will not never do that.

Jace with sudden hit of realization :" Alec ....Alec....please don't leave me .....please..." He took Alec's lifeless upper body to his chest and started crying madly ...rocking his brother's body with him like a mother when she tries to soothe her crying baby .

Clary bursted out crying not only for her own grief for Alec but also understanding Isabelle's pain which she could feel through her Parabatai bond . But to her surprise Izzy was sitting without any movement .There was no expression ,no shock ,no grief,no emotion on her if she herself has turned into a lifeless corpse . Clary understood that Isabelle lost another brother ,her best friend ,her guardian, her bff ..and probably many more with Alec and the shock was so overwhelming that she would need time to recover.

Clary moved to Jace slowly ...who was still crying and repeating ..."Alec ...please don't leave me ...." again and again like a mantra and his parabati rune was fading gradually to a mere scar.

Clary said in merely a whisper to Jace " We need to take Alec to the Institute ...The Head of the institute deserves a dignified farewell."

Jace looked at Clary with tears all over his face and then looked at the lifeless body of his parabatai which he held so tightly on his chest .He hugged Alec one last time ...kissed his temple and forehead and told Clary :"Clary ....please create a portal to institute."

Clary did as she was told without any word . Then Jace carried Alec with one hand under his knees and the other on Alec's back . Jace stepped into the portal with the mortal remains of his Parabati in his arms .

Clary grabbed Isabelle's shoulders and made her to stand . Izzy's face was pale and lifeless. It looked as if she might lose her consciousness any moment. But she was walking involuntarily like a robot . Clary supported Izabelle on her shoulders and took Alec's bow and arrow in her hands and stepped behind Jace in the portal to get to the institute."

To be continued......

#thank u for taking out your precious time and reading this#

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