Chapter 8 : Bringing Back to Life

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Asmodeus and Magnus came to the loft . Asmodeus perched himself comfortably on the couch . Chairman was sitting on the opposite side of the couch . It yowled loudly at the sight of Asmodeus and jumped from the couch only to run towards Magnus' bedroom.

Magnus sighed . The cats can sense demonic presence and Chairman is a sensitive cat for sure.

Magnus pulled out his phone and called Catarina. Already 12 hours had passed. Catarina picked up her phone at the fourth ring .

"Hello....Magnus ..."said Catarina in a worried yet hopeful voice.

Magnus said "Catarina need to portal Alexander to my loft . Tell Jace to help you in the task . I have found a way to bring him back . Make it quick Cat ...."

Catarina said " We will be there in few minutes."

Magnus hung up the call.

Breaking the silence ,Asmodeus said to Magnus " Son, I see that you love this nephilim boy... I mean Alexander.. pardon me for my ignorance.. with your heart and soul ...but he is a mortal ...what will you do when he will age out . He will not be able to stay with you forever."

Magnus looked up to his father and was trying to anticipate where the conversation was coursing.

After a brief pause as none of the father or son preferred to speak ,Asmodeus spoke again , "How would you feel if I made your Alexander immortal like you will be able to live with him forever ...."

Magnus could not believe his ears . His father is offering to make Alexander immortal. He was getting what he wanted so dearly . But he chose to play it easy . He must remember that it was Asmodeus sitting before him.

In a calculative tone he said " I would love to have Alexander by my side through out my life ...but what do you want in return ...for all these ...? "

Asmodeus looked at Magnus hurt " Do you really think that I am doing it for I told you that you are my family ...both of you are my boys whatever I am doing for my family's happiness ...for your and his happiness.

Only.. I want you to do the same sacrifice when your family that includes me as well, would require something from you ...tell me you will be compassionate and caring towards your father when he would require a favour from you ..."

Magnus looked into the cat-eyes of his father and said " What favour you are talking about ?"

Asmodeus: " Not anything in particular at the moment ...only the time will tell.."

And Mugnus suspected that he saw a sudden cruel smirk on his father's lips.

Before he could think further the wooshing sound of the swirling portal could be heard from his kitchen whose guards were relaxed for Catarina's arrival. Magnus went to the kitchen quickly and could see Jace carrying Alec and Catarina trying to support Alec's head from dangling . The magical cocoon was still protecting Alec's body from decaying.

Jace and Catarina brought Alec to the bedroom as directed by Magnus . Jace carefully placed Alec on the bed . Catarina looked doubtfully at Magnus when she saw Asmodeus sitting on the couch. Magnus nodded his head towards Catarina in reassurance.

Magnus now saw that Clary and Isabelle were also there . Though Isabelle looked pale but she was showing hope on her face. Magnus was relieved to see at least one emotion on the face of his sister-in-law in so many hours.

Asmodeus went to the bedroom and while everybody was busy placing Alec carefully on the bed , Asmodeus was looking at Alec with his cat-eyes. He was not just looking but gazing ,observing ,thinking .
Magnus went to his father and said "Father ...we must not waste any time more..."

Asmodeus said " Yah sure come with me . "

Asmodeus stood towards Alec's head and instructed Magnus to stand at the foot of the bed . Then he announced " I want me , my son and son-in-law to be alone in this room."

Jace and Catarina looked at Magnus and with Magnus' reassuring eyes, both of them went outside to join Clary and Isabelle who were on the couch in the living room of the loft.

In the bedroom....

Asmodeus and Magnus now directed their magic, which was powerful than any force in this universe, towards Alec . This was the force which Asmodeus longed for and pestered Magnus through out his life. This power could bring the lower dimensions upside down . This combined power was now concentrated to bring Alec's soul from the Heaven .

Asmodeus : " Alexander Gideon Lightwood ...Listen to the command of the greatest magical power ever. I summon your soul back to your body . "

Asmodeus looked at Magnus . Magnus understood what he needed to do . Magnus with an authoritative yet gentle and love filled voice said " Alexander ..please listen to me ....come back to me wherever you are ...I would die without you ...I want you in my life ...please come back my love ..please."

There was a sudden movement in Alec's body . And Magnus could see the up and down movement of Alec's chest . Magnus realised that his Alexander was back .

Asmodeus then stopped combining his magic with Magnus. He started directing his individual magic to Alec now. The powerful prince of Hell directed his unique magic from Alec's head to toe ,as if he was washing Alec's body . He was chanting simulteneously some ancient demonic verses. After a few seconds, Alec started screaming clutching his belly .

Magnus was now surprized . He could not understand what his Father was doing . But he could see that Alec was in visible pain . But it was only a matter of minutes when Alec stopped screaming and went into a peaceful sleep . Yet Asmodeus kept on applying magic and chanting phrases for another half an hour and Magnus just stood there and watched. He did not have any other option than believing in his father's intentions and having faith in him as he accepted them as his family .

The magic and chanting stopped and Asmodeus gradually opened his closed eyes . He looked at Magnus and smiled and said "Your husband is now immortal will spend an eternity with him ."

Magnus was overwhelmed . He was happy ...really really happy .
But a doubt was still lingering somewhere in the corner of his mind which he could not supress.
He went near Alec and touched his warm and sweaty forehead.

Asmodeus said " He is still unconscious ...don't worry ....he will wake up soon ".

Asmodeus touched Alec's cheeks and his cat-eyes were glowing . He said
"You are my son-in-law and owe your immotality to me .Hope you will be able to ackowledge your gratitude towards me when the time will come ."

Magnus saw his father's cat-eyes . Amidst the happiness his heart was feeling ,his mind was bracing itself for some unkown fears from the future. Magnus thought he was just being paranoid.

Asmodeus looked at Magnus and said " Take good care of my other boy Magnus ...after his immortality he is now as precious to me as you are . The immortality is not the only miracle that has happened to him ...there are many miracles coming his way ."

Asmodeus patted Magnus' shoulder and before Magnus could say anything Asmodeus vanished into thin air.

""The immortality is not the only miracle that has happened to him ...there are many miracles coming his way .""

To be continued....................

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