Chapter 28: more

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Alec was digging into the food and Nicholus was smiling and looking at him.

" You want anything else...? " asked Nicholas.

" No..I am full" said Alec.

"Well... Nicholas ...the position of the High Warlock of Madrid is going to get vacant soon..." said Alec with suggestive eyes.

Nicholas smiled at Alec and patted Alec's cheeks gently...a fatherly gesture.

" How far are you with the Baby?" asked Nicholus with an affectionate smile.

" Eight months running ...and Nicholas, it is not a Baby is 'Babies' ...there are two of them kicking each other and me." said Alec with a low voice so that only Nicholas could hear.

Nicholas chuckled and kissed Alec's  forehead and said " Congratulations boy ...congratulations..."

Alec smiled back at the man's fatherly affection.

"Well..well... look at you two ...the adorable Lightwood boy always in his work of stealing other's hearts.... especially from peoples' around me...first My son's and now Nicholus'." said Asmodeus in an acidic tone while entering the room.


Alec's hands were tied with magic with a pillar in the hall of Asmodeus' palace. His babies were kicking furiously in his belly . He wanted to rub his stomach but could not. The kicks were reminding him of his little sister Izzy . Blueberry and Sweetpea were taking over their aunt's habits ....Alec smiled at his thoughts.

" You are smiling ..." hissed Asmodeus .

Nicholas was tied at a corner too.

"I thought I would not harm you ..I just wanted the baby from you, as a price of your immortality. The baby is a demon any way ...a powerful demon....a combination of my and Magnus' will help me to rule the entire lower dimension. But you did not will not cooperate long as the baby is inside you ,the Great Power will not get his offerings of raw flesh and fresh blood.... I know what to do to solve this problem. I will rip your womb and Great Power will be born...Now" said Asmodeus.

" You are insane Asmodeus ...if you rip open my womb now..the baby would be premature and would not survive.." said Alec trying to put some sense into the King of Hell.

" Yes are right. You are an intelligent boy ..don't you ...Then I would develop the foetus more within your womb so that you can give birth now....and I can have my Great Power born.
I want my Great Power ...I want the greater demonic ...right now..." said Asmodeus crazily.

Alec looked at the King with horror filled eyes.

Before Alec could say any more words ...Asmodeus' powerful magic was directed towards his swollen belly and an excruciating pain started to form .

"AHHHHHH....." screamed Alec.

He could feel the babies ..but they were getting bigger. Alec could feel his womb expanding getting heavier.

"... AAAAHHH ....STOP IT are hurting the babies....aaaaahhh" shouted Alec gritting his teeth.

" ALEXANDERRRRR........." a sound came from the door.

Asmodeus was snapped out of his sickening magic.

Alec looked at the door relieved . It was his Magnus and Jace standing there . The familiar voice of Magnus was soothing to his senses.

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