Chapter 29: Officially Parents (The End)

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"Magnus ....Magnus ....*gasp* water broke." said Alexander taking heavy breaths and clutching his contracting belly.

Magnus looked down on Alec's legs ...and saw a puddle of thin liquid.

" MAGNUSSSSS.....AHHHH" screamed Alec as the first jolt of  contraction hit him.

Magnus clutched Alec's hands tightly and said .." It's okay  love's okay ....just breathe through the contractions ...just breathe ...."

After 30 seconds or so Alec's first jolt of contraction subsided.

Alec panting heavily and sweating said
" Magnus..*gasp* ..I think  ...*gasp*...the babies are coming".

" No Alec ... calm down ...we will first see how apart the contractions are " .... said Magnus trying to calm Alec down.

" Oh God ...what do we do now...Alec is in labour" questioned a panic stricken Jace.

"We need a doctor or a nurse...who has experience in these things..." said an equally worried Nicholus.

" Okay ...everyone ...calm down...we need to take Alec to my loft ...I will call Catarina  who is a  nurse ...and she can take care of the situation..." said Magnus trying to sound composed.

Magnus looked for some time at Nicholas who worriedly looking at a  panting Alec.

Jace was holding Alec's other hand and gently caressing his forehead to soothe him.

" Are you Mr Nicholas Martini? " asked Magnus looking at Nicholas.

Alec still panting and rubbing his belly said...

"Yes...let me.... do the honour of introduction...Nicholus. ..this is.... Magnus Bane ,  husband and ..the present High Warlock of Brooklyn.... And Magnus ..this is Mr. Nicholous Martini ...the  former..High Warlok ....of Brooklyn....and a friend ...of Fath....OHHHH...GOODDD....RAZIELLLLLLL......AHHHHH...." screamed Alec holding his pregnant belly as another wave of agony hit through his body .

Jace clutched Alec's hands tighter and gripped Alec's comfort him.....

Magnus gripped Alec's other hand  and said...." Breathe...Alec ...just ....breathe.... " 

Alec listened and inhaled and exhaled through the passed after a few seconds.

Alec was left panting heavily ...

Magnus :" Okay ...its now sorted...the contractions are building 20 minutes we have got time to take Alexander to the loft. For that I have to create a rift...but...I don't have my magic ...its with Jace because of the Bonding Rune. Oh got...if I reversed the magic here Jace would not survive Edom."

Nicholus : " Its okay ..I know a rift here which opens in Brooklyn.. I used it often to spy... as part of my work with Asmodeus.  But the only problem is Alec has to walk up to that rift. Its in the lobby outside."

All of them looked a little tensed.

Jace: " Alec...Alec...Can you walk?"

Alec breathing hard ...

Alec: " I have to see ...let me ...try."

Alec tried to move up and stand taking support of Jace and Magnus who were holding him from both side...Alec gripped Magnus and Jace tightly ...and walked slowly....he could not feel his legs ...every bone of his body felt as if they had been broken hundred times....Alec moved almost half the way towards the opening of the rift in the lobby when another wave of Agony hit him.

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