Chapter 18 : Answers to many Doubts

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Alec was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Magnus was on the other end of the couch shaking his feet ....a sign clearly showing that he was nervous. Catarina was sitting on the high-back chair with her chin resting on her palm.

After minutes of pin drop silence Alec broke the contemplative environment .

Alec: " So ....I am having a baby . "

Magnus : " No ....we are having a baby."

Alec: " Okay ...I mean we are having a baby. It means that my immortality came with price . Asmodeus gave me a womb after making me immortal.....that also explains the excruciating pain that I experienced in my belly when Asmodeus brought me back to life . It was the pain of having a new organ ....having a womb. "

Magnus : " That explains Asmodeus' words too ....

""The immortality is not the only miracle that has happened to him ...there are many miracles coming his way .""

Catarina : "Its not just a baby , its a demonic baby , the intensity of its power is very, very strong . I am centuries of old warlock , it can repulse my magic with such power that too when it is fertilised only for such a few days....just think what it will do when it will grow."

Magnus : " But how will we get rid of this demonic power .. it is resisting every sort of intervention with it. Any danger coming to it , that will be shattered to pieces. Asmodeus placed that womb for a purpose to bring that demonic force to this world."

Alec who was listening to all these , now could not contain himself anymore.

Alec in grave voice : " I can't believe that you two are planning to kill my baby ....."

Magnus looked sorry and said , " Alec ....its a demonic baby has power of Asmodeus may bring danger upon being born on earth."

Alec : " No its not a demon baby . Its your baby Magnus . It is formed because of our love cannot be a demon baby . It might have strong magical powers but it is not a demon .One becomes demon when they do harm to innocent people , or take benefit from their compulsion . My Blueberry did not do any sort of such things. It just tried to protect itself..... think of it Magnus .....yesterday we were trying to have alchohol which we all know should not be taken when one is pregnant . My Blueberry was trying to protect its existence ...and in the process may be protecting me as well ..the alchohol was equally dangerous for my health when I was carrying a baby. Then think of today Blueberry did not attack Jace when we were fighting with seraph blade or even when we were sparring with bare hands ....its only when Jace unknowingly aimed a blow to my belly ...Blueberry attacked with its magic was protecting me as well as itself. Also it knows you and your magic Magnus ....when you applied your magic to check my body ...Blueberry did not attack you ...but it did not know Catarina's magic and so it used its magic just to protect itself and me...its not demon Magnus ....its just a miraculous baby with untrained yet powerful magic ."

Alec stood up from his couch . He caressed his flat belly gently and said almost in a whisper... though Cat and Magnus heard him..." It's okay Blueberry...its just Cat, a dear friend " . Then he walked up to Cat . Cat stands up as Alec approached her.

Alec : " Now apply your magic ...."

Cat looked at Magnus on the couch . Magnus stood from the couch and came towards Cat . Alec looked at Magnus with determination , with which Magnus was so much in love with . Magnus stood behind Cat to brace her from any demonic impact .

Cat moved her hands up magic came out from her hands ...her magic was directed towards Alec's body . Alec stood straight with his eyes closed . The magic moved from Alec's head , then his face , his chest , his stomach , his lower belly . Cat rested her magic there for some time. It was now a few seconds when Cat felt a gentle pull towards Alec's glowing body as if a friend was calling for an embrace. The pull was so positive, so affectionate that Cat started smiling . She loosened herself to the pull . Gradually her feet were moving towards Alec ...and her hands got gently placed on Alec's belly . Now she was smiling broadly with tear drops in her eyes. With her magic she could sense the powerful magic emanating from Alec's belly but the magic was now friendly and accomodating .

Alec opened his eyes with Cat's touch on his belly . He was not amazed by what was  happening. He knew this. But he was happy to know that Blueberry knew his voice and also listened to him . It was his Blueberry. Alec smiled and said   " Look ...I told you ....Blueberry accepts you is bonding with you ."

Cat was now smiling and also two drops of tear flowing straight down her cheeks .

Cat: " I am sorry ....Blueberry....I called you a demon and wanted to kill you ..please ....forgive your Aunt Cat " .

Alec raises an eyebrow smiling and said " That sounds like a plan" . Immediately Cat felt a jerking pull towards Alec's belly . Both Alec and Cat started laughing as both understands that Alec's Blueberry had accepted the 'plan'.

Cat wiped her tears away and looked at Magnus who was smiling now seeing all the sweet things before him . Cat looked at Magnus and Alec both and said " Okay leaving you two...sorry three for some moments of your own ....I will come from time to time to check on Blueberry's growth .....Bye" . With this Cat got into the portal that she had made.

Magnus looks at Alec who was still smiling caressing his belly . It was so completing to know that one was carrying a new life. Alec being a man never thought that he would ever be able to feel this satisfaction , this wholeness. But today he was feeling grateful towards Asmodeus who not only gifted him with immortality but also a womb which was now carrying a precious life-- his Blueberry.

Magnus now came near to Alec and before looking at Alec he placed a hand on Alec's flat belly and said in a tear-filled voice "Please forgive your Papa Blueberry...Papa was stupid to think to get rid of you are precious Blueberry ....and Papa loves you . Your Papa was honoured to get your Dad first in his life and now is honoured to get you in his life. Papa will always protect you and your angel Daddy with all his life ..Blueberry. Now please tell your beautiful Daddy to forgive me ". With this Magnus broke into tears.

Magnus could feel a soothing magic emanating out from Alec's womb . The magic felt so loving and peaceful . Magnus now understood  the feelings of his little Blueberry. It had forgiven its Papa.

Magnus looks up to meet Alec's eyes with his now red and tear-filled eyes. " I am sorry ...very very sorry ....its our love , our baby , our Blueberry...I was out of my mmmmm"

Magnus' words were drowned when a pair of lips crashed on his . He embraced the forgiving kiss .Magnus pulled himself away and hugged Alec tight . He could feel a red-yellow soothing magic emanating from Alec's belly and swirling around them both making a cocoon as they are embraced into one-another within their love filled bubble.

To be continued .....

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